Recently, the 11 -year -old North Korea's top leader Kim Jong -un's daughter, Kim Jong -un, is the question of whether he is a successor and has caused heated debate in South Korea.

In October 2022, Kim Jong -un first mentioned the "back" in public.He said at the school of the Labor Party cadre: "To cultivate, you can rest assured that he can entrust his talents for hundreds of years (descendants of descendants)."

A northern person from the North Korean Party has analyzed: "Kim Jong -un used the words such as 'bloodline' and 'queen', which made people suspect that they would start the intention of the four generations."

On November 18, 2022, Kim Jong-un guided the new intercontinental ballistic missile "Mars-17" on-site test firing, and Jinzhuai appeared in the same frame for the first time.At that time, South Korean public opinion generally believed that Kim Jong -un's hand -made missile missile firing with his daughter was to calm the condemnation of North Korea's launch of missiles in international public opinion, which was a political propaganda.

Jinzhu Ai frequently high -profile appearance reflects Kim Jong -un is anxious to adhere to the hereditary system

North Korea's "first daughter" later appeared frequently, and the North Korean issue experts and the South Korean government's views on the love of Jinzhu have begun to change.Among them, the South Korean government's judgment on the "Golden Bead Love Course" has gradually become clear from caution.

South Korea Unified Minister Kim Yinghao said at the Seoul Foreign Journalist Association last month that the signs of North Korea's facing predicament continued to appear, and Kim Jong -un continued to highlight his daughter Jinzhu's image, which reflects that he has adhered to the hereditary system in these dilemmas.And a little urgent mood.

In the past, the Korean National Intelligence Institute purchased a baby boy diaper toy and a list sent to Pyongyang based on the key members of the Kim Jong -un's office.The third child was born.

Until September 2023, the National Intelligence Institute still believed that "North Korea attaches great importance to Baitou Mountain blood, it is a male and female society, and judging that Jinzhuai loves for a successor."

However, Zhao Taiyong, the candidate of the new National Institute of Love, said in the written information submitted to the Congress Intelligence Committee on January 3: "From the content of the activity after the appearance of the golden bead love, the content of the golden beads love isThe most powerful successor. But in addition to Jinzhu Ai born in 2013, he believes that (Kim Jong -un) still has children with unknown gender. "

Is there any son Kim Jong -un?

From Rodman, a US NBA player who visited the DPRK in 2013 and saw Kim Jong -un, to Kim Jong -un, who was invited to the DPRK in 2012 and 2013, when he studied in Switzerland, his friend MacaelThe media said: Some have heard that he has a daughter, but has never heard of a son.

Gao Yinghuan, a former Diplomat of North Korea, believes that if Kim Jong -un has a son and has no abnormal health, there is no need to bring Jinzhuai to attend multiple events, and constantly imply that she is a successor.Gao Yinghuan speculates that there are three possibilities: first, Kim Jong -un has no son; second, if he has a son, he is only five or six years old now;

or imitate the British royal family to solve the problem of Jin's blood

Another problem is that Jinzhu Ai is a woman. In the future, you have to get married to follow the other half of the surnames. In this way, how can the Kim ’s pedigree problem be solved?

Li Longxuan, a member of the South Korean Daily Daily, pointed out that King Charles III in Britain inherited his mother Elizabeth II instead of his father's surname.Kim Jong -un may also be concerned about this.Kim Jong -un's "Joan" remarks in the second month of Charles III's reign may not be accidental.

Is North Korea imitation of the British royal family?40 -year -old Kim Jong -un publicly disclosed her daughter Kim Zhu Ai in advance, in order to let the North Korean people look at her growth and support her subtly?If this speculation is right, the political propaganda of North Korea is too powerful.