The UN Security Council recently required After the resolution of humanitarian aid for Gaza Strip Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Natana called on the phone.The White House said that the two sides discussed the "Objectives and PHASING" of Military Operations in Gaza.

According to a statement issued by the White House Saturday (December 23), Bayeng talked to the phone on the same day, and the two "discussed Israel's military operations in Gasha, including its goals and stages."Biden emphasized to Neihuhu that the current urgent need to protect civilians, including those who assist humanitarian aid operations, also clearly allow civilians to safely evacuate the importance of continuous combat areas.

The two sides also discussed the importance of ensuring the release of all surplus hostages, and agreed to maintain regular consultations directly or through their national security teams.

It has lasted for two and a half months, and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and and Israel and Israel and Israel and Israel and and Israel and and Israel and andHamas had briefly implemented suspension and interprets hostages and prisoners , but soon again again href = "About:/News/World/Story20231201-1453653" R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Return to Battle , the humanitarian crisis of Gaza Strip has not been alleviated.

On Friday (22nd), the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution to increase humanitarian support for the Gaza Strip and create conditions for continued to stop hostile operations.The resolution did not require the conflict to stop the fire.

It is reported that during the voting period, Russia and the United States voted for the only abandoned votes for the draft resolution, and the resolution was finally obtained by 13 votes and zero votes.Before the vote, the United States rejected Russia's proposal to restore the amendment to the word "suspension of hostile operations" in the original draft.

Reuters reports that when Neutanahu called on Saturday with Biden, she thanked the United States' position in the United Nations Security Council, and "showed Bayon that Israel would continue to fight in Gaza until all goals were achieved."

Bayeng told reporters in Washington that he had a "long talk" with Neutanahu, saying that it was a "private conversation."He did not disclose the specific content of the two people, but said he "did not (to be a suspension).

Agence France -Presse quoted Israeli data that on October 7, Hamas entered Israel to implement a raid, causing about 1,140 people to die in the country, and took away 250 hostages.

Israel immediately launched a counterattack bombing the Gaza -controlled Gaza Strip. Over time, the offensive of the military has expanded to the south of Gasha, which led to nearly 2 million people.

Gaza's health department stated on Saturday that in the past 24 hours, the region has died in 201. Since the outbreak of the war, the number of deaths has risen to 20,000 and 258, most of which are women and children.