(Washington Composite Electric) According to reports, Chinese officials stated to President Biden at the US President at the Xi -worship meeting last month that Beijing will unify Taiwan and tend to use a peaceful way instead of using force.

The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported on Wednesday (December 20) that according to two current and one former official in the United States, Chinese officials said in San Francisco at the time that the U.S. military stated that he plans to attack 2025 or 2027The prediction of Taiwan is wrong because he did not set the timetable.

These American sources also said that China had asked Biden to issue a public statement before the meeting meeting, indicating that the United States supports peace and unification of mainland China and Taiwan, and does not support Taiwan independence, but the White House refused to do so.

The US National Security Council spokesman Kerbir said on the Air Force No. 1 on the same day and said that he would not discuss the specific details of the two leaders' talks in depth.

Kobe said that Chinese officials publicly showed his desire for the unity of cross -strait. This is not new, and the policy of the United States in the United States does not change, that is, it does not support Taiwan's independence, nor does it support unilaterally changing the status quo by force.

Beijing's public goal has always been reunited with Taiwan.The Chinese officials issued by the Chinese official Xinhua News Agency mentioned after the meeting meeting mentioned that Chinese officials expounded the principles of the Taiwan issue in depth, pointing out that the Taiwan issue is always the most important and sensitive part of Sino -US relations.China attaches great importance to the positive statement made by the United States at the Bali Conference.The United States should reflect the statement that does not support Taiwan independence in specific actions, stops armed Taiwan, and supports Chinese peace and reunification.China will eventually be unified, and it will inevitably be unified.

The United States Republican Senator Graham issued a statement after issuing the NBC, calling on the Republican Party and the Democratic Party to curb China.

Graham said that the content of the report is "disturbing", and he will cooperate with the two -party senators to formulate a strong defense supplement for Taiwan; once Beijing tries to attack Taiwan, they will draft "hell sanctions on hell sanctions on China."" ".

Burns, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said earlier this year that intelligence shows that Chinese officials have instructed the Chinese army to prepare for Taiwan before 2027, but it does not mean that he will definitely order the attack.Biden said that if Beijing attacks Taiwan, the U.S. military will defend Taiwan, but the White House will recover the president's remark afterwards.

The United States plans to end long -term review of Chinese tariffs early next year

On the other hand, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday that the Bayeng government is discussing the increase in tariffs on some Chinese goods, including electric vehicles.

The Wall Street Journal quoted insiders that the US government recently discussed the Trump administration's tariffs on the Trump administration of about 300 billion US dollars (nearly 400 billion yuan) of Chinese goods, and strived to end the pace at the beginning of next year.Long -term review of Chinese tariffs.

It is revealed that the Bayeng government may improve the tariffs on clean energy products, but it will consider reducing tariffs on some non -strategic Chinese consumer goods.

However, the Biden government has recently faced greater internal political pressure to increase tariffs on China.A group of two -party members have just proposed to increase taxes on China's imports this month, and further tighten investment restrictions on investment in China.

Some members pointed out that some American auto manufacturers exported automobiles in China to the United States, highlighting that the current import tariffs are not enough.Former Trump administration imposed a 25%tariff on Chinese cars, and the Bayeng government extended the tariff.

The presidential election in the United States will be held next year, and it is expected that this may also heat up the political wrestling involving Chinese issues.