The Philippine President President Marco said that the diplomatic efforts of Manila and Beijing are developing in the "bad direction" and stated that the Philippines should break the old thinking and make a paradigm when dealing with the South China Sea issue.

Reuters reported that in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of establishing a friendly and cooperative relationship between Japan and Asia, Macatus attended the Japan-Asian Summer Summit in Tokyo last week and accepted a visit by the Japanese media.

The Philippine media reported on Monday (December 18) the contents of the niche in Maccoz.

According to a notice issued by the Presidential Palace of the Philippines, Marco told the Japanese media that China ignores traditional diplomatic efforts.

Patscar said: "We have always resorted to traditional diplomatic efforts ... We have worked hard for many years, but we have not made much progress." He said: "Those countries that face us,It's time to perform paradigm transfer (Paradigm Shift). "

Little Marco also reiterates that the Philippines hopes to avoid violence, and the Philippine government will continue to talk to partners to seek a common position.

He also shows that the Philippine government is responsible for maintaining the Western Philippines.The Philippines referred to the South China Sea on the west side of the Philippine Islands as the Western Philippines and listed it as an exclusive economic zone of the Philippines.

Last week, the Philippines and China were the The collision is accused of each other , and the tension caused by the sovereignty of this important waterway has been continuously upgraded.