(Berlin Reuters) German Defense Minister Pistous said that Europe must accelerate the reorganization of military reserve to deal with new military threats that may occur before 2030.

Pistous said in an interview with the German Sunday World News that Russia, which invaded Ukraine, was significantly increased weapon production and threatened the Baltic countries, Georgia and Moldova.At the same time, the United States has shifted its strategic focus to the Indo -Pacific region, and is expected to reduce its military participation in Europe.

In an interview published on Saturday (December 16), Pistous said that although it takes time to increase weapon production, Europe must be more actively promoted to ensure the safety of the European continent."We have five to eight years, and we caught up in the armed forces, industry and society."

He also pointed out that if the United States is unwilling to come up with more funds to assist Ukraine, Europe may have to make up for the vacancy of the United States.

Pistous believes that the Polish government is more pro -European, which will help the "Weimar Triangle" composed of Germany, France and Poland to further expand military cooperation.The "Weimar Triangle" is a regular meeting mechanism for coordination of Germany, France, and Bobo.

Pistous hopes to visit Poland as soon as possible next year.He said: "We must figure out how to strengthen the eastern defense deployment in the NATO defense plan."

Pistous does not think that the Germans need to send troops on a large scale again in the short term, and participate in peacekeeping operations similar to Afghanistan and Mali."But small tasks, especially in national cooperation in military consultation or national cooperation with values, will be necessary."

He said, another choice is "no longer contact these countries, simply gives them to Russia and China, but this will be more dangerous."