Japan intends to promote a number of new plans at a special summit conference held in Tongya'an to strengthen economic and security cooperation with member states between Asians, including joint development of a new generation of automotive industry, formulating climate problem solutions, and strengthening maritime safety.cooperate.

The three -day summit held in Tokyo this time was held in cooperation with Japan and Asians' 50th anniversary.The Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita has a dinner on Saturday (December 16). Welcome to the leaders of the Asian member states who go to the meeting.In his speech, he proposed that the relationship between Japan and Asians would be raised to "new heights" through three specific plans.

Kishida pointed out that Japan and Asians can combine their strengths to unite the compound crisis that it is difficult to solve in a single country.He believes that the goal should be set, and through the establishment of a partnership relationship, creating a dynamic and continuous productivity area, so that the people in the region can realize their dreams.

One of the specific initiatives is that Japan will realize the Asian zero -emission community plan through the establishment of partnership and cooperation with Asia in Asia; Japan will promote related investment through the new support policy of the "Overseas Aid Plan".

The second initiative is to consolidate Yajia'an as the status of automobile production and export centers, and starts a strategy called "Ayajia'an -the next -generation automotive industry in Japan".In order to strengthen the industry cooperation between Japan and Asia, Kishida announced that it will launch a new exchange plan and will vigorously promote two -way communication between young business leaders in the next 10 years.

The third initiative targets safety issues.Kishida emphasized that in order to ensure peace and prosperity in the Pacific region of India, it is necessary to establish an international order based on the rule of law and human dignity.He said that Japan would achieve this goal through defense exchanges and cooperation.

Japan has signed a "Safety Aid Agreement" with Malaysia on this summit.Based on the "Government Security Capacity Strengthening Support" framework issued in April this year, the Japanese party announced that it would provide 400 million yen (about S $ 3.73 million) to support Malaysia to buy lifeboats and drones to enhance the maritime security measures of Malaysia.Previously, Japan also reached a similar agreement with the Philippines and Bangladesh.

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), China ’s increasing maritime event is the main reason for Japan to actively provide relevant parties with defense equipment.Among the member states of Asia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei and China exist in sovereignty over the South China Sea.The annual shipping capacity of the channel around the Ya'an country exceeds US $ 3 trillion (about S $ 4 trillion), which is also an important trade and transportation channel for Japan.

NHK reported that the Japanese -Asian Special Summit meeting will be issued after the end of the meeting. The focus will be the three major initiatives proposed by Kishida at the dinner. Among them, the content of maritime safety cooperation will attract much attention.

In addition, due to the rampant cases of cross -border organization fraud, the summit will also discuss how to further cooperate to increase its efforts to crack down on cross -border crimes and maintain cyber security.

In addition to Myanmar, which is unstable in this summit, other member states of Asianan have participated.The host Kishida also held bilateral talks with Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Laos, Vietnam, East Timor and Indonesia, respectively.