"Do you see the spring of Seoul?" This is a question that I often asked when I was chatting with friends recently.

The "Double Twelve Cou type" adaptation of the film Seoul's spring has triggered a strong resonance of the audience.As of December 14, this film has accumulated 7.72 million audiences, and it is expected to become a Korean film that has exceeded 10 million viewers.

The Spring Material of Seoul was "Double Twelve Military Coup" on December 12, 1979.On October 26, 1979, then President Park Jung -hee was assassinated and died, and the forces led by the National Army Security Commander Jeon Douhuan to mobilize the military commander Zheng Shenghe, the chief of staff of the army on December 12, and controlled the capital circle to control the capital circle.Military land, eventually master the regime.

The first nine hours of the movie depicts the military coup, the power of the whole fight (real people) forcibly took away the general chief of the army's staff Zheng Xianghao (real people Zheng Shenghe), and the arrest and attempt to defend the capital of the capital police commander Li Taixin (The incident of real person Zhang Tai finished.

Although the director Kim Cheng -hyun said that the spring of Seoul was adapted from real events, the audience who had watched the film said that they re -understood the Double Twelve military coup through the movie, and Quan Douhuan's behavior made them very angry.

University student named Li (24 years old) told me: "Before watching the movie, I just remember what Quan Douhuan was before his death; after watching the movie, I recognized him again.And start watching the documentary at the time. "

In May 1980, after Quan Douhuan took office, he implemented martial arts consolidation power across the country, sending a clear signal to the Korean people at the time: the state will be governed by another military dictator.This triggered the Guangzhou Democratic Movement, and Quan Douhuan sent troops to target them. For 10 days, 4,900 people were killed, of which thousands of students were believed.

Although the Eight years of Quan Douhuan's administration, the South Korean economy has achieved substantial development, and successfully held the 1986 Asian Games and the 1988 Summer Olympics.Has been criticized.Until his death in 2021, he was still tried in court for distorting and denying the facts in his memoirs, and slandering the deceased and his family.

Quan Douhuan died in Seoul in November 2021. He was 90 years old, but his ashes were nowhere to be buried and still placed in the home of Yanxidong, Seoul.Quan Douhuan left his last words before his lifetime, hoping that he was buried at the front of the border overlooking North Korea after his death.The survivors originally planned to buy a private land in the Governor of Governor of Gyeonggi -do, Gyeonggi -Po -governor of Gyeonggi -Daisa. However, after the plan was recently exposed, it was strongly opposed by private groups and was soaked in soup.

Quan Douhuan made the Korean people so disgusted, mainly because he never apologized to the Gwangju incident during his lifetime.When he died, the South Korean government did not hold a national burial for him, nor did he send someone to the Lingtang to hang up.

The latest poll of Gallop in South Korea shows that in the evaluation of the Korean people's success in the predecessor, Roh Moo -hyun received the most positive evaluation (70%); the opposite was Quan Douhuan, because "too much mistakes"71%of the people were given negative evaluation.

But a few days ago, I went to the barber shop and talked to the hairdresser to talk about the spring of Seoul. The hairdresser in his 60s said excitedly: "Quan Douhuan also has a good job, such as economy, prices and social security.He does well. You should not fully deny him, and give him a place to rest. "

More than 20 years ago, when the former president Jin Yong and his wife visited Taiwan, I translated them for them. During the period, I met several personal bodyguards in the Presidential Palace.I asked them who appreciated which president most, and did not expect that one of them actually answered "Quan Douhuan".The senior bodyguard said: "He is the president who will take care of the people around him. He remembers the birthday or wedding anniversary of the bodyguard and guards. He will send someone to send a red envelope that day, and he will write a note and say that he takes his wife to eat wellIt ’s not easy to eat '. He can treat his subordinates like this."

But the people who have a positive evaluation of Quan Douhuan are always a few in South Korea.Quan Douhuan is a former president that many Korean people cannot forgive. Even after two years, many people still can't let go of his hate.