(Johannesburg Comprehensive Electric) The five countries of the BRICS have reached an agreement on expansion, and passed a document that listed the guidelines and principles for the new members.

The fifteenth meeting of BRICS leaders was held on Tuesday (August 22) to Thursday (24th) in Johannesburg, South Africa.One of the major points of this meeting is to discuss expansion, and the five countries of the BRICS have different opinions on the scale of capacity expansion and the standards of new members.

However, South African Foreign Minister Pan Duor revealed on Wednesday (23) that the leaders of the Five countries have reached a consensus on the guidelines and principles of expansion, and more details will be announced before the end of the summit.

More than 20 countries formally applied to join the BRICS mechanism

The five BRICS countries are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and their population accounts for more than 40%of the global population.According to South African officials, more than 40 countries have stated that they are interested in joining the BRICS mechanism, and more than 20 of them have submitted formal applications.

At this summit, Iran, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Venezuela and other countries were invited to attend as observer and candidate members.

South African President Lama Tsata Sausa said at the summit on Wednesday that the world is changing. "The new reality requires fundamental reforms to the implementation of global governance institutions, so that they can be more representative and better cope with human beings facing the face of human beings."Challenge".

Indian Prime Minister Modi also shows that India fully supports BRICS expansion, but pointed out that it must be carried out in a way that the existing five members agree.

Brazilian President Lula pointed out on Tuesday that incorporating new blood can help raise the international influence of the BRICS country, but new members must meet specific conditions to prevent the BRICS from a chaotic "Tower of"Babel).

Putin: Western sanctions bandaged BRICS countries to promote fairness

BRICS Group is deemed to be alternative to multilateral institutions led by the West.When Russian President Putin spoke at the leadership summit through the video connection on Tuesday, it was said that the BRICS countries would become a fair force in international relations and should become a trade group representing the "most world".

He said: "We cooperate with the principles of equality, mutual support, and respect for each other. This is the essence of our future strategic policy. This policy is in line with ... most of the wishes in the world."

Putin, who blame Western sanctions on Western sanctions that the turbulence of the global food and other commodity markets, also said that the "de -US dollar of economic relations in the five countries is an objective and irreversible process, which is accelerating."

Danu, Lala emphasized that the use of common trade currencies for the use of common trade currencies is not to replace the country's currencies or resist the US dollar, but to promote trade between emerging countries.

He said that the BRICS countries have no intention of competing with the United States and Western Groups."We don't want to stand on the opposite side of the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7), the G20 (G20) or the United States ... We just want to organize it."

White House: BRICS countries will not become geopolitical opponents

The White House said that the United States does not think that the BRICS countries will become geopolitical opponents in the United States.National Security Consultant Sarawan said on Tuesday: "This is a very diverse national group ... there are different views on key issues."

Shalvin also said that the United States will promote "a strong positive relationship with Brazil, India and South Africa", and at the same time "continue to manage relations with China and continue to counterattack Russia's aggression."

The 15th meeting of the Leaders of the BRICSouth African President Rama Tosa, Indian Prime Minister Modi, and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov on behalf of the Russian President Putin to take a photo together.(Agence France -Presse)

The increasingly important to Russia by the BRICS countries in the West

Reuters pointed out that Russia has been sanctioned by Western in the invasion of Ukraine, so it is seeking to establish new diplomatic and trade relations with Asia, Africa and Latin America, which has made the BRICS Group increasingly important for Moscow.

Putin revealed at the meeting that Russia particularly hopes to develop two flagship projects, namely a north maritime route with a new port, fuel dock and a larger ice -breaking fleet, and a north -south corridor connecting the Russian port and the Indian Ocean Shipping Terminal.

Putin also proposed the establishment of the BRICS National Committee to ensure the safety of cargo transportation routes.He also urged the BRICS countries to strengthen the role in the international currency system and expand the use of the country's currency.