Australia will spend 1.3 billion Australian dollars (about $ 1131 million) to purchase more than 200 Tomahawks cruise missiles from the United States.

Reuters reports that Australia's Minister of Defense Marc in Monday (August 21) said in a statement that Australia will join the United States and Britain to become one of the world's only three countries with Tomahawk cruise missiles.He pointed out that Australia is investing in the ability of the National Defense Force to keep Australia's opponents away from the Australian coastline, and can also ensure the security of the people in a complex and uncertain world.

According to previous reports, the Australian defense procurement plan has been .These 220 Tomahawk cruise missiles are produced by the American Fire Fire Merchant Raytheon Technologies Corp., which will be deployed on the Hobart -class destroyer of the Royal Navy of Australia.

In addition to the war -ax cruise missile, the Australian government will also spend about 430 million A $ 40 to purchase more than 60 advanced anti -radiation guidance missiles from the United States; it will also purchase remote anti -tank guidance for the Australian "boxer" combat reconnaissance vehicleMissiles, the contract value of more than $ 50 million.

Before Australia announced the finalization of the above -mentioned Tomahawk missile purchase plan, the United States stated last week that it intends to sell a total value of about S $ 1.3 billion in Australia, including Himars high -mobility multi -tube rocket system.This transaction must be approved by the US Congress, and the details of the contract need to be determined.