(Washington Composite Electric) Milly, Chairman of the United States Chiefs of Staff, said that Ukraine has "a lot of" combat power to be invested in the counterattack against the Russian army.

Ukraine launched a new round of counterattack last month, recovering some villages in the south and the surrounding areas of Bachurut in the east, but so far, it has not been able to break through the strict Russian defense line.Ukraine said that it is currently focusing on weakening the logistics of the Russian army and command; Russia claims that Ukraine's counterattack fails.

Milly was asked at a press conference whether the Urpicious Counterattack was stagnant at the press conference on Tuesday (July 18), saying, "This is far from failure. It is too early to make such a judgment now."

For several months, the United States and allies have been helping Ukraine to prepare for counterattacks.Mili said that Ukraine still has a lot of combat power, "they are retaining combat power."

He pointed out that the Russian army strengthened the defense of the position, and the Ukraine was slowly, cautious and steadily crossing the minefield.He predicts that this will be a long, difficult and bloody battle.

On the occasion of Ukraine's counterattack, the Russian army also launched an ground offensive in the northeast of Ukraine.U.S. Defense Minister Austin said at the same press conference that West is continuing to assist the Ukraine to improve its combat effectiveness."Our work is still continuing, and we will do our best to ensure that the Ukraine's counterattack is successful."

Milly and Austin met the media after the 14th meeting held in the Ukraine Defense Liaison Group on Tuesday.Austin said that the group discussed the plan to increase ammunition production and the progress of providing the U-16 fighter capabilities for the UR army.

Austin emphasized that the group is unity and firm as ever, and the actions and commitments of various countries have highlighted Russian President Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Moscow has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with Western armed Ukraine.Russia's first deputy representative of the United Nations Pollyzuski said at the United University on Tuesday that the "Ukrainian coup" in 2014 was directed by Western countries led by the United States in order to make Ukraine into anti -Russian countries and do wellRussia's preparations for war.

Polyanki said that Ukraine has now lost almost all weapons and equipment and thousands of troops, and can only survive by relying on a large number of weapons that are continuously supplied in the West like "addicts".He said: "The Kiev regime is trying to prove that it can defeat a nuclear country in order to obtain more weapons. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian young people are killed in such a vicious cycle."