Glacimov, Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, appeared in a video of the Russian Ministry of Defense. This was a Classification , Gracimov appeared for the first time.

Reuters reported that according to the video displayed by the Russian Ministry of Defense, Grassimov heard a report on the Ukrainian missile attack on Sunday (July 10).Reuters described the video screen showing that Gracimov was sitting in a white leather seat in the military command room, and the senior Russian generals who were present spoke and conveyed instructions. The participants including the Director of the Russian Military Intelligence Agency (GRU).

It is reported that the title of the Russian Ministry of Defense's use of Grassimov is "Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces" and "Ukrainian Force Joint Group Commander".

The Ministry of National Defense introduced that Grassimov arranged a task to the director of the Intelligence and the head of the United Group's command office, asking them to organize systemic work to determine the S-200 missiles and the place of training and training similar to enemy strike weapons to fight weapons.And the launch position, and plan to start a pre -campaign to fight the enemy.

Under the leadership of the group's head of Perigen on June 24, the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Laipan the mutiny , but Action.

The Wall Street Journal quoted anonymous Western officials that Perigo was originally planned to arrest the two when the Chief of Staff Glacimo and the Defense Director Shohgou visited the South Russian region, but the plan was leaked.Do not take action in advance.