The Prime Minister of Thailand's Prime Minister Ba Yu announced his withdrawal from politics on Tuesday (July 11).

Reuters reported that Bayu issued a statement saying: "From now on, I want to withdraw from politics and resign from the positions of the Thais to unite the party members of the country."

Bayu said: "As the Prime Minister, I strive to protect the country, religion and monarchy, and seek benefits for the people of my dear ... I strive to strengthen the stability and peace of the country in various fields, and overcome many obstacles in China and internationally."

Statement pointed out that before the establishment of the new government, Ba Yu will continue to serve as the Prime Minister of Thailand.

The new Council is planned to be held on Thursday (13th) and conducts the first round of voting on the new candidate for the new Prime Minister.If the new Prime Minister cannot be selected, the second round of voting will be held next Wednesday (19th). If there is no result in the second election, the third round of voting will be held next Thursday (20th).

Bayu said earlier that if the Thailand Party could not organize the government, he would withdraw from politics.