(Brussels Comprehensive) was held on Tuesday (July 11) in the Cordonia capital of the Cordonor of Lithuania.Japan will seek cooperation with NATO in the Pacific region of NATO, but French President Macron shows that France has resolutely opposed the target of attention set by NATO at the beginning of NATO and shifted from Europe to Asia Pacific.

Summit Material Discussion Establish NATO Liaison Office in Japan

The summit invited leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, which are called "Four Asia -Pacific countries".This is the second consecutive year of the leaders of the Sikoku to participate in the NATO Summit.It is expected that the summit will discuss the establishment of a NATO contact office in Japan to strengthen the connection between NATO and the Asia -Pacific countries.

Since Vernis is only 151 kilometers away from the Russian border, the NATO Summit will be held in the strict security guards, and many countries have displayed advanced air defense systems.On the occasion of the summit, the Ukrainian war entered a critical stage, and the strategic game between China and Europe and the United States and other developed countries became increasingly fierce. NATO believes that deepening cooperation between NATO and Asian allies is becoming more and more necessary.

The Voice of America quoted French officials at the press conference of Alice Palace on Friday (7th): "In principle, we do not agree with this issue." He emphasized that Tokyo has not yet set up a NATO contact office to show sufficient interest in the establishment of the NATO contact office.Essence

The official point of view of France is that the geographical scope covered by NATO should be limited to North Atlantic.Officials pointed out that "NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization."

However, Bloomberg quoted the Japanese Cabinet Secretary -General Matsuno Matsno's Friday, saying that Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishida will take advantage of this opportunity to emphasize that the relationship between Japan and NATO must be more firm.He pointed out that Kishida's interview will show that "the security of the Indo -Pacific region and Europe is inseparable", and the leaders of Asian countries visit NATO, highlighting that the Asia -Pacific region and Europe are closely linked in terms of security.

Worried about the war on the outbreak of Taiwan to be alert to China -Russia activities in Asia

Japan is worried that once a war in Taiwan, it is difficult for themselves to be out of their way, so I hope to strengthen cooperation with NATO.Reuters reports that Kishida will remind NATO leaders who attend the summit while paying attention to the Ukrainian war.

Nikkei Asia commented that Japan is expected to join NATO's "Independent Partner Action Plan" at the NATO summit.According to this action plan, the Japanese Self -Defense Force will launch cooperation with bilateral interoperability training and standardization with the NATO troops.Once needed, the NATO troops will be able to repair NATO military equipment in Japan's shipyards and airplanes.

NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg told the Wall Street Journal on Saturday at the Brussels NATO headquarters that NATO is still "a regional organization in North America and Europe."Let's face these threats with our global friends. "

NATO's guidance document in 2019 is regarded as a strategic threat for the first time.The document also lists the examples of Beijing's military development, economic stress, and the close relationship between China and Russia.

It is expected that the Lithuanian NATO Summit may issue a joint statement between the four Asia -Pacific countries and NATO to confirm that NATO will participate in more Asia -Pacific affairs.The Wall Street Journal quoted a senior European diplomat that the statement would explain deeper cooperation and reiterated that European security was related to the security of the region.