(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukraine welcomes the United States to supply a bundle bomb to the U.S. Army. It promises to abide by the five key principles and strictly control the use of cluster bombs.However, many countries include Britain, Canada, Italy and other decisions against the United States.

U.S. President Biden Biden confirmed on Friday (July 7) that a bundle bomb will be provided to Ukraine.In this regard, the Ukrainian Minister of Defense Lezonikov promised that the Ukraine would not use a bundle bomb in Russia, and would only be used to liberate the Ukraine region occupied by the Russian army.He outlines the "five key principles" that use this controversial weapon, including the use of cluster bombs that are not recognized and unacceptable and urban areas that may cause the greatest harm to civilians.

Laznikov sent a long text on Twitter on Saturday that more than 100 countries including multiple NATO member states and Ukraine's major allies disable a bundle bomb, but this weapon can help Ukraine liberate the land and saveSoldier's life.He added that Article 51 of the United Nations Charter allows Kiev to use a bundle bomb to "self -defense".

U -defense: It will strictly record the use of the situation and give priority to lightning in the placement area

He emphasized that Ukraine will strictly record the use of cluster bombs, and will prioritize thunderstorms in the area where the bundle bomb will be placed in the area of the bundle bomb."We will abide by the five key principles. We have clearly conveyed this to all partners including the United States ... We will report the use and efficiency of weapons to our partners to ensure that its usage is controlled."

123 countries around the world have signed a convention of ammunition and promised to prohibit the use, production and storage bombs. However, Ukraine, the United States and Russia did not sign a contract.

The bundle bomb can be launched from an airplane or land -based artillery, missile or rocket launcher. This weapon usually releases a large number of smaller sub -bombs, which can be killed in a vast area without differences.It may stretch for decades.

Russia condemn the decision to the United States.The convention of bundle ammunition signed the British, Canada, Italy, New Zealand, and Spain, while the United States opposed the United States with a bundle bomb to Ukraine; many of these countries were American allies.

British Prime Minister Sonak and Italian Prime Minister Meloni all emphasized that they will follow the convention of the ammunition, indicating that they will continue to support Ukraine's determination, but they will not support ammunition that uses injured and innocent civilians.

Melonney issued a statement that Italy hopes that the principle of this Convention is generally applicable in the values framework of the Atlantic Alliance.The Canadian government also issued a statement saying that it would continue to perform the convention and is committed to eliminating the impact of cluster bombs on civilians, especially children.

As one of the initiatives of the convention of the ammunition, New Zealand Prime Minister Hipkins said that these weapons "may cause huge harm to the innocent people without differences, and may have long -term impact."He also said that the White House had clearly knew New Zealand's opposition.

Spanish Defense Minister Ravelez told reporters in Madrid on Saturday that Spain has firmly supported Ukraine's commitment, but insisted on not being in any situation and cannot provide such bombs to Ukraine.

France and Germany have stated that no bundle bombs are provided to Ukraine.However, the German government said it understands the US position.

The German government spokesman Hei Beistitet told reporters in Berlin: "We are convinced that our American friends are not making a decision to provide such ammunition."