NATO leaders are about to hold a summit in Vernis, the capital of Lithuania. Turkish President Erdogan and US President Biden talked to discuss issues such as the qualifications of NATO member states in Sweden.

Complex Reuters and Fraguang reported that the Turkish President's Office issued a statement on Sunday (July 9) stating that Erdogan and Biden held telephone talks.Erdogan told Biden on the phone that Sweden had taken action in the correct direction of Turkey's approval of its approval to join NATO, but these actions did not have any effect, because the supporters of the Kurdish Workers (PKK) were still held in Sweden.protest activity.

Sweden's application for NATO has not yet received support from Turkey and Hungary, a member of NATO.

Turkey has repeatedly urged Sweden to take more powerful measures on cracking down on terrorism. Sweden has repeatedly stated that it has met the requirements of negotiating with Turkey, including a new anti -terrorism law.But Erdogan has not stated that it will turn on a green light for Sweden.

NATO Summit is about to be held, and Sweden hopes to obtain NATO member states during the summit.

Erdogan and Biden also agreed to hold a face -to -face meeting at the NATO Summit to exchange opinions on bilateral relations and regional issues in Turkey.

According to the Turkish Presidential Office, Erdogan and Biden also mentioned the issue of delivery of the F-16 fighter to the United States.The statement said that the requirements for providing F-16 fighters to Turkey with Turkey are "incorrect" to join NATO in Sweden, but Erdogan also thanked Biden for its support for the Turkish F-16 fighter.

In addition, Erdogan and Biden also discussed the problem of Ukraine's expectations to join NATO in the call.