(Cologne) The latest reports of the German Military Anti -Love Newspaper pointed out that Russia and China are the countries where the Germans are the most active.The Voice of Germany recently quoted the German Military Anti -Love News Agency that after the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, Germany provided weapons, ammunition, equipment and military training for Ukraine.scale.

According to this annual report from 2021 to 2022, Russia sent a large number of intelligence personnel to collect German military intelligence.In April 2022, the German government listed 40 Russian diplomats as "uncomfortable people". Although it caused a blow to Russia's spy activity, I believe that Russia failed to prevent Russia from obtain intelligence.

Russia has also been accused of providing intelligence to the key infrastructure of NATO.The German Military Anti -Intelligence Agency warned that Russia's intention and ability to destroy these infrastructure was a threat that must be treated seriously.In addition to spinning military conditions, the report also said that Russia has taken a variety of measures, trying to influence public opinion in places where Germans stationed in Germany and Baltic countries.

Report: China hopes to become a world power by 2049

The German Military Anti -Love News Agency is also alert to China.The report said that China continues to hope to become a world power before 2049, and it will realize this vision by promoting the development strategy of Made in China 2025 and the initiative of the “Belt and Road”.In order to achieve its goals, China believes that web spies and traditional spy activities will also be adopted.The Chinese intelligence department is also accused of using the Sino -German military cooperation project to collect information.The report said that some military training aid projects have been for months, and Chinese participants take this opportunity to contact the Germans and collect information.

The field of German scientific research is also followed by the Chinese Intelligence Department

The German scientific research field is said to have also attracted the attention of Chinese intelligence agencies.The report states that not only the formal staff of the embassy and consulate for intelligence work in China, but also the traditional spy staff who have been recruited or hidden.

The Russian and Ukraine War brought a huge security threat to Europe.The report issued by the Swiss intelligence department on June 26 also paid attention to the spy work of Russia and China, saying that the Russian and U -wars made Switzerland where many international organizations located became the center of Russia and Chinese spy activities.

The German Military Anti -Love News Agency has gradually increased people in the past two years to cope with the new security situation.The report said: "Strengthening spy activities and preventing possible damage is unprecedentedly urgent."