(Observer News)

A few days ago, a video of "Cabinet Minister Breaking the Airport's Entry Hall" was circulated in Malaysia, causing controversy in the abuse of power.According to the Singapore Lianhe Morning Post reported on July 1, Malaysian Tourism Zhang Qingxin acknowledged that the minister in the video was himself, but disclosed that he was to rescue a Chinese female passenger who had been difficult to rescue an immigration officer and was bribed by nearly 30,000 yuan.

According to the National News Agency of Malaysia, an online media reported on the evening of June 29 that Zhang Qingxin suspected to "break into" the entry of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport without authorization, trying to "release" a Chinese citizen who was banned from entering the country when entering the country.The website claims that Zhang Qingxin entered the airport restricted area without a license or pass.


Lianhe Zaobao said that related video clips soon caused heated discussions on social media, and some people criticized Zhang Qingxin to break through the airport and cause riots.Akma, the head of the Traditional Party and Malay National Unification (UMNO) Youth League, condemned Zhang Qingxin to "override the law" and urged Prime Minister Anhua to take severe action, including Zhang Qingxin's duty.

In this regard, Zhang Qingxin restored the truth and the ins and outs of the dragon on June 30.According to the Malaysian Nanyang Business Daily, he explained that the Chinese woman started from Shenzhen, China. When arriving at the Customs Customs Customs Customs Customs Customs Clearance procedures in Kuala Lumpur International Airport, officials were put into "small black houses" because of unspeakable words and lack of language.After receiving the news, he personally led the department officials to the airport to understand the situation and negotiated at 3 am that day.

Zhang Qingxin said in an article that according to the situation he knew on the spot, the officials of the airport immigration bureau confiscated the woman's mobile phone without distinguishing it.The attitude can be described as very harsh and unmanned. "In fact, the woman's mobile phones have preparations for round -trip air tickets and detailed records of hotels, and basically do not violate any inbound regulations.

He said that after intervention, the woman was released when the immigration official could not propose substantial evidence. It was not that the Minister was released as the Minister was present as the Minister was present.He emphasized that he entered the Immigration Hall in accordance with the formal channels and entered the Immigration Hall with the pass to be applied.The Minister of Communications Lu Zhaofu also confirmed this statement the next day.

Zhang Qingxin also revealed that in addition to an official urging the woman to pay unknown funds, there are also suspected "intermediaries" to contact the woman, saying that it can provide "supporting" of 18,000 Links (27,900 yuan) in total.Assist in "getting" release.The 18,000 Lindol made the transportation cost of re -entry (3,000 Linjit's air tickets) after leaving women's outbound (3,000 Linjit air tickets), and 12,000 Links was the procedure for the visa required for the application.

He ridiculed, on June 29, he checked the air tickets for Kuala Lumpur to Shenzhen. The most expensive flight price was only 580 Linjit.Perseverance to arbitrarily confiscate passengers' mobile phones.He pointed out that it is not the first time that foreigners encounter such a thing after the arrival of the country. This is the fifth time he intervened in such incidents. "I call on the Ministry of the Interior and the Anti -Corruption to face up to this matter.Call out the horses of the group, and do the nets that are harsh, like hungry wolves, and destroying the image of the country! "

Zhang Qingxin's statement has been supported by the domestic tourism industry.The Malaysian Travel Agency Association, the Malaysian International Tourism Development Association, the Malaysian Business Hotel Association and the Malaysian Guide Council issued a statement on July 1, thanks to Zhang Qingxin to come forward to maintain the national image, so as not to crack down on tourism industry that just get out of the crisis of the new crown epidemic.They believe that as the Minister of Tourism, Zhang Qingxin personally went to the airport entry department to care about the problems faced by foreign tourists, and to fight against corruption. It should not be accused by it.

At present, the Malaysian Immigration Bureau and the Anti -Corruption Society stated that they would investigate Zhang Qingxin's allegations of the airport immigration officials.On July 2nd, Prime Minister Anhua personally raided the Royal Customs Bureau of Malaysia and the Immigration Bureau Branch of Kuala Lumpur International Airport.He said that the operation of the Customs Bureau and the Immigration Bureau was roughly controlled. Only some problems were found, and the investigation would be followed up, and necessary action will be taken.He revealed that the Cabinet Conference next Wednesday (5th) will preliminary discussions on the customs bureau and immigration bureau.

According to the Singapore Strait Times, the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia said on June 30 that the embassy will work hard to ensure that the rights and interests of Chinese citizens in Malaysia are protected.Facing the report.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network. It is not allowed to reprint without authorization.