Miri, Chairman of the Joint Meeting of the United States Chiefs of Staff, said that with the continuous development of war technology, the U.S. military must accelerate the pace of modernization in order to compete with China and make the Chinese leaders feel that the time has not arrived when considering the attack.

Mili on Friday (June 30) at the National Journalist Club of Washington, saying that China is seeking to rewrite the rules -based international order and build a powerful army.And surpassed the United States in the middle of this century.

He emphasized that the U.S. military must accelerate the pace of modernization, because the fundamental situation of the war is changing significantly. If the U.S. military does not make adjustments, it will not be able to have a army that can respond to the future combat environment.He believes that as long as the United States and allies can maintain their military advantages and improve and modernize when necessary, Beijing can promote Beijing not to make decisions of invading Taiwan.

About 150 million people died in the war in the two World War

Milly said that the rules -based international order was established by the generation of paratroopers to ensure that the war will not happen again.From 1914 to 1945, about 150 million people died during the war during the First World War and World War II.

"This is the most violent 30 years in the history of human history, and it is a war initiated by a large country."

"In the past 30 years, the two continent were destroyed and millions of people were killed. The number of refugees was more than at any time in history.Vote. This is a global war. No matter what standards measured, this is a slaughter field. In 1945, the world collectively stated that this kind of thing must not happen again. "

The peace established by this framework has been maintained for nearly 80 years.Milly said it has proved its value, but the rules -based international order is now facing tremendous pressure.He said: "Especially in Russia, it illegally invaded Ukraine, which is a direct positive attack on rules -based international order." "The invasion has lasted for more than a year. The courage and tenacity of the Ukraine people really inspired all of us."

countries around the world are united on the side of Ukraine and have been providing it with the ability to defend the country.Milly said: "We said that our political leaders have said many times that our task is to ensure the support of Ukraine to maintain freedom and independence. We do this to ensure that the rules -based international order can be maintained."

Milly said that China is seeking to rewrite these rules around the world, although China may be the biggest beneficiaries of these rules."As we all know, the Chinese economy has been growing rapidly in the past 40 years, and now it is using its financial strength to establish an extremely powerful army."

Milly said that Chinese leaders have stated that they hope to "become an overlord in Asia in the next 10 years and hope to surpass the global military strength of the United States in the middle of this century.""The geographical strategy history of this century is likely to depend on US -China relations, and whether the US -China relations continue to compete or trigger a great country war."