The insider said that the US Central Intelligence Agency Director Bernes recently secretly visited Kiev and heard Ukraine's plan to be taken over by Russia in the fall of this fall, and then launched a suspension negotiation with Moscow before the end of the year.

The Washington Post quoted three people insiders on Friday (June 30) that during the visit of Bernus, Ukrace privately informed the United States' recent military goals.

According to Agence France -Presse, a U.S. officials said that Bernes met with Ukrainian President Zeiski and Ukrainian intelligence officials at Kiev.

Ukraine plans to recover a large number of territories occupied by Russia before this fall. At the same time, weapons and equipment such as artillery and missile systems are moved to near the Crimean peninsula controlled by Russia., Fire in the future.

A U.S. official said that Bernus's visit was "conventional", which aims to emphasize U.S. to continue to share information that helps the Ukraine for defense.The CIA refused to disclose Bernes' views on Ukraine's military plan.

Reported that while preparing for the autumn offensive, Ukraine President Zeleziski and his assistants have begun to consider the ceasefire conditions that both Kiev and Moscow can accept.

Report also refers to the differences and crickets between Ukraine and the West.On the one hand, the United States and Western European countries have strongly demanded that Ukraine and the EU have a cold attitude, and they are worried that the risk of direct military conflict between Russia and Western outbreaks in NATO has increased.NATO member.On the other hand, the US military leadership hopes that Ukraine will accelerate the counterattack process against Russia, but Ukraine complains that Western countries have not provided adequate ammunition and fighters and other advanced weapons in time.