(Seoul Composite Electric) South Korean President Yin Xiyue recently appointed the new Minister of Unity, Jin Yinghao, and asked the Ministry to change the role that used to support North Korea in the past and adjusted the functions of the department.

According to a statement issued by the President's President's Press Secretariat, Yin Xiyue said on Sunday (July 2): "The Unification Department has always performed like the" North Korea Aid Department ", which is wrong ... Now it is time to change the Ministry of Unification."

Korean officials point out that the Ministry of Unification will mainly be responsible for analyzing and responding to North Korea's trends and handling North Korean human rights related work.

On June 29, Yin Xiyue nominated Jin Yinghao, a professor at the Department of Political Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Affairs of Integrity Women's University as the new Minister of Unity.Because Jin Yinghao bluntly criticized North Korea's official violations of human rights.The analysis believes that Jin Yinghao will be the minister of the Ministry of Unification may exacerbate the tension between North Korea and South Korea.