(Washington Composite Electric) The U.S. State Department issued a report to criticize the US military's withdrawal of Afghanistan in 2021 and lacks clear decision makers.Safety causes "serious consequences".

In August 2021, After the deployment of 20 years in Afghanistan /www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20210827-1187209 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> Cantile , which has caused strong criticism of American allies.U.S. Secretary of State Brills subsequently ordered a "review report after action" for the matter.

The report of 85 pages in length was completed more than a year ago, but the State Council did not disclose the content of the 24 pages of pages until Friday (June 30).

The report criticized the senior management of Biden and the Trump administration "without fully considering the worst situation and the situation may develop rapidly."The Trump administration was approved by the "relatively lack of" planning. Although the Bayeng government was "densely" participating in decision -making, it also did not foresee the development of the situation.


Report states that the Dengde government has taken over a large number of visa applications that the Trump administration has accumulated, and the Bayeng government officials did not decide in advance which Afghanists to evacuate, which is the "big challenge" facing the withdrawal operation.

Lack of high -level officials to supervise the crisis, all parties lack communication and exacerbate confusion

The State Court's crisis management working group has also been approved in complicated structure, and a lack of a high -level official "to supervise the crisis in various levels", and the lack of communication between the parties has also exacerbated the chaos.

The report said: "If the person in charge of a seventh floor was assigned at the time ... it could have improved coordination issues in different areas of work."

The "Seventh Floor" refers to the highest floor of the State Council, where Brinken and other high -level officials' offices are located.


Report proposal, including assigning specific persons to command in the future crisis, and separate emergency plans from political considerations.

However, the White House press secretary defended Biden that the United States had invested billions of dollars for a war that could not see the end. Biden had to make a decision at that time.Things.

Trump spokesman: Biden must be responsible for the disaster withdrawal of the troops

Trump spokesman replied to the media and said, "There is only one person who must be responsible for this withdrawal disaster, that is, Biden."

A U.S. officials disclosed that some of the reports of the report are still confidential due to security considerations, but the State Council has taken action based on the proposal, including determining those who should deal with the future crisis.