(Washington Composite Electric) Bernes, director of the US Central Intelligence Agency, believes that the war launched by Russia in Ukraine has a "corrosive" impact on Russia President Putin and created opportunities for the Central Intelligence Bureau to recruit Russian spy.

Bernus said on Saturday (July 1) in Ditchley Foundation in Ditchley Foundation, saying that Putin invaded Ukraine "the most direct and sharp geopolitical challenge to the current international order."

Bernus is the founder of the mercenary organization Wagner Group Poligon to launch Soldiers Published a week later.Prior to the Kurigo, the Ukrainian war was "a group of bastards for self -worth".

In the past few months, Pricig has repeatedly used various swear words to publicly insult Russia's military leadership, which shocked Russian senior officials, but Putin did not respond in public.

Bernus said: "The impact of these remarks and actions will last for a while, clearly remind people that Putin's war will have the corrosion effect on his own society and regime."

Pryigon Ren Bing changed his agreement with the Wagner and Kremlin Palace, and came to an end within a day.Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said on Friday (June 30) that Russia will become even stronger after the failure of the mutiny, and the West does not have to worry about the stability of the world's first nuclear country.

However, the analysis believes that the Wagner soldiers have weakened Putin's power.Bernus also said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine has clearly stated that it is a "strategic failure", Russia has exposed military weaknesses, and the Russian economy will also be dragged down in the next few years, and the opposite NATO will become greater and stronger.

Bernus said the Russians' dissatisfaction with the Ukrainian war "continued to erode Russian leadership."This dissatisfaction has created a rare opportunity for our Central Intelligence Bureau ... We will not miss this opportunity."

The China Love Bureau uses social media to provide intelligence in Russia's multi -field people

The opportunity that Berns refer to is to recruit Russians to become American spies.He specifically mentioned that the CIA recently posted on the social media Telegram, calling on Russian officers, intelligence experts, diplomats, scientists, or people who have the information about Russian economy and leadership information to provide information.Dark web contact with Zhongqing Bureau.Bernus said that as soon as this article came out, the number of hits in the first week reached 2.5 million.

Bernus served as the United States Ambassador to Russia from 2005 to 2008, and was the director of the CIA in 2021.He claimed that the Wagner soldiers became "for armed challenges for the Russian government", but emphasized that the mutiny was "internal affairs of Russia. The United States has never participated in the past and will not be in the future."

The United States, which is decoupling with China, should be decentralized to the supply chain

Bernus also talked about China in his speech.He said that China is "the only country that intends to reshape international order and is increasingly powerful in economy, diplomacy, military, and technology."

He pointed out that the United States and the Chinese economy are interdependent and decoupling with China. What the United States should do is decentralized supply chain.He said: "In today's world, no country is willing to be monopolized by the monopoly group of key minerals and technology ... The solution is not to be decoupled with economies like China, but it will be stupid, but to ensure that the supply chain with toughness must be guaranteed., To maintain our technical advantages, and invest in improving industrial capacity, to wisely realize the risk and diversification. "