NATO's Eastern European Union warned that Russia's hiring group soldiers Wagner's troops moved to Beros will cause larger regional instability, but NATO Secretary -General said NATO has been prepared for any threat.

Reuters reported that Lithuanian President Sata Dada was on Tuesday (June 27) in Hague. After meeting with the NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg and the other six NATO leaders, "If the Wagner Group is in Bai BaiRose deployed their serial killer, and all neighboring countries will face greater instability dangers. "

Polish President Duda also believes that this is an extremely worrying question. He said: "We must take a very strong decision. NATO must make a very tough response."

According to the mediation of President Lokashenko, the negotiation agreement reached with the Russian President Putin, the Wagner Group's head of Bagna Group, who launched a rebellion last weekend, has arrived in White Ross on Tuesday.Putin said that Wagner soldiers who did not join the Russian regular army could choose to transfer to White Ross.

Stoltenberg believes that it is too early to judge what this means of NATO allies. He emphasized that the defense of NATO East Wing has been strengthened in recent years.

Stoltenberg said: "We have sent a clear message to Moscow and Minsk -NATO will definitely protect every allies and every inch of NATO territory."

He said: "We have added military existence in the eastern part of the Alliance. We make further decisions at the upcoming NATO summit to strengthen our collective defense with more high -level combat reserve troops and greater military forces."

Stoltenberg refers to the woven group's mutiny, indicating that Putin's "illegal war" on Ukraine has exacerbated Russia's internal differences, "but we must not underestimate Russia. Therefore, the support we continue to provide Ukraine is now more important."

Albania Prime Minister Lama, Belgian Prime Minister Decor, Polish President Duda, NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg, Dutch Prime Minister Lutt, Lithuanian President Sata, Romanian President Johnisis, June 27thThe Hague and Dutch Prime Minister's Office held a meeting.

31 member states in Northern about July 11 and 12 will hold a summit in Vernis, the capital of Lithuania. Da Da hopes to include Wagner in the summit agenda.