(New Electric Power in Geneva) The Swiss Federal Intelligence Agency said Russia invaded Ukraine has led to Switzerland the center of Russia and Chinese spy activities.

The annual report published by the Swiss Federal Intelligence Agency on Monday (June 26) said: "Russia has destroyed European -based peaceful order ...Sexual continues to decline; there are no signs to indicate a stable world new order. "

In general, Switzerland's security situation is affected by the increasingly fierce competition between great powers, and the Ukrainian war has exacerbated this competition.


Report also pointed out that the world is turning to the two -pole world order shaped from systematic competition between China and the United States.But at present, the Russian and Ukraine War will still be the focus of Switzerland's security environment.

The Intelligence Bureau bluntly stated that it mainly comes from foreign spy activities in Russia and China, and "the threat to Switzerland is still high."

International Organizations Gathering Swiss Russian Intelligences use diplomacy to cover as spies

Switzerland is the location of many international organizations, and it has therefore become one of the European countries that have the most Russian intelligence officials under diplomatic cover.The UN European headquarters and the headquarters of multiple UN agencies are located in Geneva.

Director of the Intelligence Bureau said at a press conference on the same day: "There are about 220 diplomatic or technical administrative personnel in the Russian and Bernes./P>

Swiss intelligence department believes that China also dispatched dozens of spies to Switzerland, but unlike Agent Moscow, Chinese agents are more engaged in spy activities as scientists, journalists or corporate executives.

In addition, the Russian and Ukraine War has also forced the newspaper bureau to expand the scope of monitoring to the areas that have rarely received much attention so far, such as the Turkish, India, and Eurasian Economic Unions because Russia is using companies in these countries to purchase.