As the Presidential Office of South Korea, as the Korean media in April this year Korean mediaFor follow -up measures for summit talks, officials between South Korea and the United States will meet in Washington to discuss network security matters and related action plans in Washington next week.

Yonhap reported that the South Korean President's Office announced on Friday (June 16) that the National Security Office, the National Intelligence Institute, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Science and Technology Information Communications, the Police Department and other departmentsClass officials will visit the United States and hold talks with relevant persons of the White House National Security Guarantee (NSC).The two parties will share major network security information and discuss the plan for new negotiation mechanisms.

The Presidential Office said that in the context of the Han and American Alliance upgrade into an intelligence alliance, the visiting group will go to the major US network security institutions and facilities to inspect, and actively communicate with private enterprises to fully carry out the two countries as a role as a role in the two countries.Intelligence alliance cooperation.

In April this year, South Korean President Yin Xiyue and US President Biden Washington's summit talks , signed a strategic network security cooperation framework agreement, and agreed to expand the coverage of the Korean and American alliance to the network field.