The Chinese Ambassador to South Korea criticized the Korean government's foreign policy that caused controversy. The two countries also protested with "calling the ambassador", and the follow -up storms intensified.South Korean analysts believe that the incident reflects South Korea's continuous pressure on China.

The Chinese Ambassador to Korea Xing Haiming On the 8th of this month, Li Zaiming, the largest opposition party in South Korea, read out.About 15 minutes of speech.He said: "Some people bet on the United States to win and bet on China. Now those who bet in China will regret it in the future." This is immediately controversial in South Korea.

South Korean President Yin Xiyue held a closed -door state -owned meeting at the Presidential Palace on Tuesday (June 13).Senior people revealed to the Korean media that at the meeting, Yin Xiyue questioned whether Xing Haiming was a diplomat and had a attitude of mutual respect and promotion of friendship. He also said that his words and deeds made the South Korean people unhappy.

The Korean ruling party proposed to list Xing Haiming as "unpopular figures"

The senior officials in the Presidential Office said that the duties of diplomats solve problems and negotiate publicly, but the Chinese ambassador contrary to this."We are waiting for the Chinese side to take appropriate measures."

The South Korean ruling party even proposed that the government took tough measures to list Xing Haiming as "Personanon Grata".

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea said that the Chinese ambassador's speech violated the Vienna Foreign Relations Convention and Foreign Customs.

Seoul News pointed out that Xing Haiming distributed a press release to the media reporters at the scene and read the manuscript through the live broadcast.This is very different from the past, artistic transmission opinions carried out by the culture and arts.

Analysis: The communication channel behind the scenes has broken China to pressure South Korea's lack of chips

Experts and scholars point out that the actions of Chinese ambassadors reflect that China is "anxious."After the US Biden government launched the "chip war" layout of China, China is convenient for China to pressure South Korea, but unlike a few years ago, there are not many chips that can be used to pressure South Korea.

In 2017, after South Korea deployed the Sad anti -commissioned system in the United States, China made comprehensive pressure on South Korea, including the comprehensive interruption of exchanges, including the performing arts industry, and a large blow to large enterprises.After that, South Korea regarded "China Risk" as a constant, and the investment in Chinese companies in China has also become more negative. South Korea has also greatly reduced the expectations of China to help China to help the peninsula.

Some analysts believe that Xing Haiming adopts the way to directly face Korean public opinion because the behind -the -scenes communication channel between China and South Korea has been cut off.

It is reported that when the Chinese Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Liu Jinsong visited South Korea on May 22, he originally hoped to meet with high -level foreign junction in South Korea, but he was rejected.Just return to China.This is exactly the treatment faced by the South Korean Ambassador to China.

Park Yuankun, a professor at Lihua Women's University, said: "During the last Wen Zaiyin government, the Chinese ambassador could meet the South Korean president at any time, but the situation of the South Korean ambassador to China Zhang Xiacheng was completely different.Official chairman, even foreign ministers have no chance to see. "

He emphasized: "As long as China pressures, South Korea will yield. China seems to have determined this from the past experience, so the criminal ambassador issued high pressure information. If South Korea is suppressed this time, it is equivalent to prove that the Chinese side is the approach is the approach of the Chinese side.Yes, so the Yin Xiyue government needs to emphasize the principle of mutual respect. "

South Korea's East Asia Daily quoted a dishistry official that Chinese officials used "high -pressure" diplomatic words when meeting with Korean officials, and South Korea will take a "tough position" next.

It is reported that South Korea will also seek dependence on the supply chain of China's supply chain. If necessary, it can also change how South Korea defines the principle of "Sad Sanfu", that is, not adding to the deployment of Sad missiles, not participating in the American missile defense systemDo not conclude the three military alliances of the United States, Japan and South Korea.

South Korea's SBS TV News pointed out that China and the United States have formed, and South Korea has not adopted a fuzzy strategy, but instead clearly moves closer to the United States.Nevertheless, in South Korea, when developing relations with the United States and Japan, it is necessary to properly use diplomatic efforts such as high -level dialogue to solve the deadlock between China and South Korea.