(Riyadh Comprehensive) China -Arabic Cooperation Forum held in the capital Riyadi, Saudi Arabia, announced on the first day to reach an investment agreement of tens of billions of dollars with China.

The Saudi Investment Department issued a statement last Sunday (June 11) saying that the two days of the meeting gathered more than 3,500 governments and business officials in China and more than 20 Arab countries.Most of the investment agreements of 100 million) are investing in projects between Saudi or Saudi Arabia and government entities. The fields covered include technology, agriculture, renewable energy, real estate, natural resources and tourism.

Among the tens of billions of dollars, including the Saudi Investment Department and Chinese electric vehicle and autonomous vehicle manufacturers Human Horizons signed a memorandum of $ 5.6 billion in understanding.

In addition, AMR ALUWLAA has reached a $ 533 million transaction with Central International Group (Hong Kong) to establish an iron factory in Saudi Arabia.Saudi Group ASK and China Geological Mining Corporation jointly developed a $ 500 million copper mine investment project in Saudi Arabia.

This business meeting is the tenth year this year, and Saudi Arabia hosted the meeting for the first time.The theme of this conference is "China -A -A -China joined hands and created prosperity", and discusses extensive issues such as economic and trade, finance, infrastructure, energy, and green industries.

Saudi Foreign Minister Ferra said at the opening ceremony of the meeting that the conference is an important platform for deepening Arabia and traditional Chinese friendship, emphasizing the potential of China's and Arab countries to strengthen trade and economic relations. He said: "This meeting is for two two for twoThe people of the country create a good opportunity for the future and move towards a new era of mutual benefit. "

The business and diplomatic relations between China and the Middle East countries are getting closer. Under the mediation in China a few months ago, Iran and Saudi Arabia, the two Middle East powers rarely achieved reconciliation to change regional relations.This has made the world's eye -catching and re -evaluating China's global influence.

Saudi Arabia values China's business opportunities and politics and strategy.

Chinese official visited Saudi Arabia last December, causing Saudi Saudi long -term allies to criticize the United States.When the media asked the US criticism, Saudi Energy Salman responded on Sunday: "I will not care about it." He also emphasized that in business, Saudi Arabia increases energy cooperation with China, mainly to pay attention to business opportunities.It has nothing to do with politics and strategy.

Salman mentioned that China's oil demand is still growing, and Saudi Arabia must seize this opportunity.China has been in a leading position in many fields, and will also maintain ahead, and says, "We don't have to compete with China, but we must cooperate with China."

U.S. Secretary of State Brills visited Lyah last week that Washington "did not require anyone to make choices between the United States and China."It is reported that Brosy will visit Beijing on Sunday (18th).