(Washington / Beijing Composite Electric) U.S. Secretary of State Brillings on Monday (June 12) told reporters that the Biden government has taken diplomatic measures to slow down China's efforts to expand its military forces overseas.He even pointed out that China has long improved the intelligence collection facilities in Cuba, and the US government already knows it.

Brinken will visit China this week. He responded to China at a joint press conference held with Itiani on that day to respond to China ’s reporting of intelligence eavesdropping facilities in Cuba in Cuba.He said that this is one of the actions that China is committed to expanding its military existence worldwide.

Brinken said that the former Trump administration actually knew that China had promoted the intelligence collection facilities in Cuba in 2019, but did not take sufficient response measures.After taking office, Biden instructed the team to adopt more direct response, including those who were considering allowing China to set up military bases in the local area to contact and exchange information, trying to curb China's intelligence collection operations, and these diplomatic efforts have achieved results.

Brinken said: "We have been performing cautiously in private. According to our judgment, we have achieved results. I can't explain in detail every step we take, but this strategy begins with diplomacy." The Wall Street Journal revealed last week that China Listen to the United States secretly in the United States; China and Cuba are secretly monitored.Refers to the report that it has no basis and is purely rumor.U.S. officials responded to this contradictory. At first, the relevant reports were inaccurate. After that, the White House last Saturday (10th) acknowledged that these facilities had already existed.

The White House National Security Council spokesman Kobe, a spokesman for the Wall Street Journal, said on Monday that because of sensitive information, they could not provide detailed details at the time.However, the intelligence department later agreed that he confirmed that the base was established in 2019.

Kobe said that the United States has expressed concerns about the Cuban spy activity in Cuban, but he does not think it will affect Brillin's plan to visit China.Cerbin also said that despite Sino -US relations, Biden hopes that the idea of maintaining communication channels with China has not changed.

The U.S. State Department has not officially announced the date of visit to China, but some US officials revealed that Brins will hold talks on Sunday (18th) to China.

Chinese Social Media criticize the U.S. manufacturing active illusion

Chinese social media accused Washington for repeated tricks to create a "illusion" for its desire to contact China.China CCTV's Weibo account " Yuyuan Tan Tian " Tuesday (13th), there are.Such a sentence: "Every time you say you want to meet, the United States is keen to make a bureau for China and create an illusion of urgent communication in the United States. At the same time, it is repeatedly tentatively provoked on the bottom line of China's principles."

The article also said that from the "balloon" farce at the beginning of the year, to the "closed door" carefully shaped two weeks ago, and then the news of visiting China was densely released last week, "the United States applied one hand to suppress the tailor, and pretended to be aggrieved by grievance.Dressing yourself into a victim, I have been writing the plot of "very active, China is not enthusiastic". "

On Tuesday, a man sprayed "Hegemony" (hegemony) and "dual standard" and such as the exterior wall of the Consulate General in the United States in the US Consulate General in the United States, and was arrested on the spot.

The Chinese official media has gone through Sunday (11th) in a social review: "And see the next few days, Washington will do what moths. We may wish to change all the way.Repeatedly emphasizing that it is necessary to strengthen high -level communication with China. Whether Brings will visit China is to test the golden stones that test the sincerity and political control of the United States."