(Kiev Composite Electric) Ukraine said that after its army launched a new round of counterattack, it has recaptured seven villages from the Russian army in the southeast, but the Russian army is doing its best to keep in the area occupied by the residency.

Ukraine Deputy Secretary of Defense Mariar Monday (June 12) said on Telegram that the Ukraine advances in the southeast and liberated seven settlements, that is, recovering three villages in Donetsk in the East Sunday SundayThe next day, he regained another nearby village and three villages in Zhaparlo -in the south.

But he said that the recovered land area reached 90 square kilometers. Compared with the Russian army, it still controlled more than 100,000 square kilometers, which was only a small part.

Mariar also reported on Tuesday (13th) that the Ukrainian Army advanced to more than 200 meters near the city of Bachomut and Toretsk in the east, and even to the city of Buer Jiangsk (The direction of BerDyansk was advanced 500 meters to one kilometer.However, the Russian army also made every effort to keep the position occupied.

He said that with the support of the Russian army, he used violent artillery to attack the Ukraine.The Russian army also set up a continuous lightning area that combines anti -tank trench, continuously used armored vehicles to fight back the Ukraine, and used anti -tank missiles and Kamikaze drones.

Russia has not confirmed the results of the Ukraine's counterattack. The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Tuesday that Ukraine continued to launch an attack in southern Donetz and Bachmum, but in the three villages in the south of Donetzk StateRevisible.

Russian President Putin responded on Tuesday's counterattack against Ukraine that the loss of the Ukrainian army was "close to the level of catastrophicness."He pointed out that the Ukraine lost 25%to 30%of Western military vehicles and more than 160 tanks, while the Russian army lost 50 tanks.

Ukrainian President Zeleziski said in a national speech on Monday that the national army was in a difficult battle.

Ukrainian officials said on the same day that the Russian army launched a large -scale missile attack on the hometown of Zelezki, Kryvyi Rih in the central city, and bombarded civil infrastructure, causing at least 11 people to die, more than 20 people, more than 20 people, more than 20 people, more than 20 people, more than 20 people, more than 20 peoplePeople are injured.

Other parts of Ukraine also rang the air strike alert in the early morning of Tuesday.The Ukraine later said that the air defense system destroyed all Russian missiles aiming at the capital Kiev.

Create the Western Urpical Counterattack Creation Conditions

Western countries hope to succeed in counterattacks, and then create conditions for Russia and Ukraine.

French President Macron said that the Black Army's counterattack will last for several weeks, even a few months.He held a three -side talks with Paris and Polish President Duda and German Chancellor in Paris on Monday and said: "We hope that counterattack operations will be as success as possible so that they can enter the negotiation stage under good conditions."

U.S. Secretary of State Brills said that the United States is confident in Ukraine's counterattack operations, and hopes that this will force Russian President Putin to agree to peace talks.

June 12th is the National Day of Russia. On the same day, Putin went to the Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Vishnevsky in the outskirts of Moscow.

Putin is wearing a suit and accompanied by the military minister of military uniforms, he talks with the wounded with the wounded.Putin also personally awarded the "Russian Hero Star" medal to a leader of the infantry leader who led his comrades.This is the highest honor awarded by Russia.

Putin told these wounded soldiers that he was "not a movie, but a real thing that happened". He also said that the country and the national army "needed people like you" and urged them to return to the army after the injury healing.middle.

Agence France -Presse reports pointed out that since Russia launched the war against Ukraine, Putin has rarely met with participating soldiers and only visited wounded soldiers in May last year.