(Bloomberg, Washington), the battle for space between the big power is becoming more and more intense. The American space force is preparing to deploy a satellite constellation in this summer to track the paralyzed or destroyed China and Russian spacecraft that may be paralyzed or destroyed in the rail object.

According to news from the American Space Force and analysts, this satellite group called "Silent Barker" is the first satellite network to supplement the foundation sensor and low -orbit satellite. It will be deployed on the ground surface about 2The earth synchronization track at 2000 miles (about 35,400 kilometers).

The statement of the American Space Force said that the new satellite network will issue warning on the threat of the US high -value in the rail system in the United States. It has "providing the ability to searches, detects and track objects from space, and discover threats in time."

The National Investigation Agency, which jointly developed these satellites with the American Space Force, said that after July, Silent Barc was set off by the Cosmic God-5 (Atlas V) Rockets.Twitter announced.Cosmic God-5 is a rocket developed by Boeing and Lockheed Martin joint venture.

The US Space Force and the National Investigation Administration refused to disclose the number of satellites prepared for deployment, only saying that this involves "multiple spacecraft."

The new satellite group in the United States is a response to the system developed by China and Russia that can be transmitted to the track and destroy other satellite systems.Minero, former member of the Strategic Group Committee of the Courtyard of the US House of Representatives, pointed out that the move broke the limitations of the ground or low -orbital monitoring system and greatly improved the ability of the United States to track the hostile satellite."Really understand the situation in space."

The Office of the National Intelligence Director said in this year's threat assessment report that China has weapons aiming at the United States and allies satellites, and "the Astronomy Action will be part of the PLA's potential military operations."An example is China's Practice 21 (SJ-21) satellite. It was lifted off in 2021. Later, it successfully dragged a failed Chinese satellite to a higher orbit.

In March of this year, Dicheng, commander of the American Space Force, said at the Congress hearing that the SJ-21 satellite "obviously can play the role of space to defend the enemy and put our synchronous orbital satellite in the earth."The Space Force pointed out that in the process of detecting or discovering new objects, Silent Bark will track satellites like SJ-21.

Tan Kefei: U.S. fabricated and rendering Chinese space threats

Global Times refers to the United States "rendering the so -called competition to promote its own space weapons."It is reported that Tan Kefei, deputy director of the News Agency of the Ministry of National Defense and a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said in the question of answering related questions that the United States and other fabricated and rendered the so -called "space threat" of China, which is an excuse for its expansion of space forces and seeking an advantageous position. ChinaResolutely oppose this approach.