Ukrain officials said, the large-scale city of New Carhofka CityThe flood caused by the explosion of the dam is expected to reach the flood on Wednesday (June 7).

The United Nations warned that the consequences of the dam to Ukraine were "serious and far -reaching."

Reuters reports that Ukrainian officials estimate that the flood will reach the highest water level on Wednesday and about 4,200 people living along the Diren River are facing threats.

On the other hand, the United Nations Deputy Secretary -General of Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Grefis, told the Security Council that the Ukrainian dam theory "will be thousands of thousands of thousands of front sides of the southern front line of UkrainePeople have a serious and far -reaching impact. They will lose their homes, food, safe water and livelihood. "

Griffith said:" The seriousness of this disaster will not be fully appeared in the next few days.. "

There are currently no preliminary deaths of the flood, but the White House spokesman Kobe said on Tuesday (6th) that floods caused by dams may cause" many people to die. "

Ukraine official said that in the early morning of Tuesday, which may pose an additional threat to the security of the Zaparo Nuclear Power Station.According to Tas News, it was quoted by Russia's appointment of New Carhofka executive officials on the same day that Ufang had a shell on the dam.

The White House of the United States said, The reason for the reason .

IAEA promotes all parties to ensure the safety of the cooling pool of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant

UN atomic energy supervision agencies to urge all parties to be fully committed that they must fully strive all their parties.Make sure the safety of the cooling pool of the Zhapollo hot power plant in Ukraine.

Southern UkrainLarge dams were bombed on Tuesday (June 6) , and the risks of the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station near the Dieberg River near the Dieberg River suddenly rose suddenly.

The Khahofka Reservoir provides cooling water for the cooling water system of the Zapolo Nuclear Power Station. If the water level of the reservoir drops to a certain extent, it will not be able to supply water outward.

The head director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a statement on Tuesday that there are some alternative water sources that can provide cooling water near the Zaparo Nuclear Power Station, including a large cooling pool.

He said that the large cooling pool above the reservoir can provide "several months" cooling water for Zapolo Nuclear Power Station and call on all parties to maintain the safety of the cooling pool.

Gronci said: "It is critical to ensure that this cooling pool is intact. It must not be destroyed by this cooling pool. I urge all parties to take precautionary measures."

The satellite image shot by the American satellite image company Maxar Technology on Tuesday afternoon shows that most of the dams and hydropower stations of New Carhofka have been destroyed.

This important dam located along the Nieber River, located in the Hermusong area controlled by Russia, floods also spread to the Russian and Ukraine's large theater.

I still don't know who should be responsible for this incident.