World Bank's expected global economy will increase by 2.1% by 2.1%It was 0.4 percentage points compared with the forecast of January, but it was still below 3.1%in 2022; the Chinese economy will increase by 5.6%, which is 1.3 percentage points compared with the January forecast.

Xinhua News Agency reported that the latest global economic outlook report released by the World Bank on Tuesday (June 6) said that in the case of the continuous Russia -Ukraine conflict and the continued tightening of monetary policy to suppress high inflationThis year's global economic growth will be significantly lower than last year.The global economy is expected to increase by 2.4%in 2024, 0.3 percentage points from the forecast of January, and the growth rate of major economies will be widened.

Among the major developed economies, the US economy is expected to increase by 1.1%this year, and next year will slow to 0.8%.%, The growth rate next year is 0.7%.

The World Bank predicts that due to China's economic recovery and the improvement of the growth prospects of several large economies, the economic growth of East and Pacific, Europe, and Central Asia this year will accelerate, and economic growth in other regions will slow down.Next year, the economic growth rate of East and Pacific, and South Asia will fall, and the growth rate of other regions will increase due to internal anti -wind factors and increased external demand.

The report said that under the influence of factors such as crown disease epidemic, Russia and Ukraine conflict, and great tightening monetary policy, the global economy is still unstable.The rapid rise in US interest rates has caused major challenges to emerging markets and developed economies, and the possibility of a financial crisis has increased.

Gilk, senior deputy governor and chief economist of the World Bank, said that if the current banking crisis of the developed economy has spread to a large -scale financial turmoil and affects emerging economies, the worst situation will occur, that is, the worst situation, that is,, that is,The global economy will experience a deep decline next year.