(Washington Composite Electric) The White House Monday (June 5) said that the dangerous contacts of the US and the Chinese army recently in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea show that the Chinese military is becoming more and more aggressive, which will increase the risk of misjudgment.And may cause casualties.

The United States also shows that he hopes to continue to maintain a "predictable relationship" with China.

The video released by the U.S. Navy on Sunday (4th) shows that a Chinese warship crossed the Taiwan Strait from the front of the United States, saying it was a "unsafe interaction".Earlier, the U.S. military also pointed out that the Chinese fighter aircraft on May 26th in the South China Sea International Airspace, the US reconnaissance aircraft Make unprofessional interception and unnecessary provocations .

In this regard, the U.S. National Security Council spokesman Kerbir said at the White House press conference on Monday: "Unfortunately, this is just the increasingly aggressive part of China, we have prepared to deal with this problem."

A spokesman for the US Family Safety Committee: Unprofessional interception operation is worrying

He said: "It won't take long for someone to be injured. This is what is worrying about this kind of unsafe and unprofessional interception actions, which will cause misunderstandings and misjudgments."

Kobe said that if China wants to tell the United States through this kind of behavior that it is unpopular in this area, or for American planes and ships to stop flying and sailing in accordance with international law, this approach will not be successful.

He shows that the United States will continue to defend the freedom of air flight and maritime sailing."Most international economic and trade must pass through the Pacific region of India. We have practical needs, and they will stay there."

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Chinese army takes action is necessary measures

In response to the accusations of the United States, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Monday that the actions taken by the Chinese army are necessary measures to deal with provocations related to the country, completely reasonable and legitimate and safe.

Some analysts also believe that recent incidents show that China has adopted a more aggressive strategy when responding to the so -called offense of the United States and its allies.Dali, director of the China Institute of Kissinger, USA, believes that China may hope to express its position more clearly as China and the United States start the "prelude to discussion".

A spokesman for the US State Department: Sino -US competition must not evolve into conflict

Despite the intensive relationship between the two countries, Patt, a US State Department spokesman, pointed out that the US Biden government sought a predictable relationship with China.He said at a press conference on Monday: "President Biden has stated that we do not seek any form of a new cold war, and competition between China and the United States must not evolve into conflict."

Kobe also said that the United States hopes that the Sino -US dialogue can be improved.In response to the visits to China, the Secretary of State Brillin, the Treasury Secretary Yellen and the Minister of Commerce Raymond, Kobe said that the arrangement of the United States is progressing, but it did not mention possible visits.

Miri, chairman of the United States Chiefs Chief of Staff Miri, was interviewed by the United States Cable Television News (CNN) on Monday that he had no chance to meet Chinese officials after he rejected the United States for arranging the US defense ministers in China during the conversation between Shangri -La.

Milly reiterated that China -US dialogue is very important. He and US defense Austin all want to talk to China.He said: "China and the United States are all pivotal powers ... It is important to maintain these relationships and maintain connection at all levels in order to take potential cooling measures during the crisis."