One released on Tuesday, South Korea (June 6)According to the information, the number of North Korean leaders Kim Jong -un has increased greatly since this year.

Yonhap reported that the data of the South Korean Unified Research Institute analyzed the data of Kim Jong -un's public activities, etc. It shows that in the first four months of this year, Kim Jong -un's public activities involved in the military field 12 times.If you add to the National Universe Development Bureau on May 17 to understand the assembly situation of the reconnaissance satellite and approve the action plan, a total of 13 military activities will be combined. In less than half a year, it will reach last year (six times) and 2021 (seven times seven times (seven times).) About twice the level.

The most frequent year of Kim Jong -un's public activities is 2014. In 2018, the dialogue atmosphere formed in the Han Dynasty decreased to three times, but in 2019, the negotiations in the Chaoge and the United States have ended in 2019 to 23 times.Essence

In addition, as of the end of April, Kim Jong -un's public activities in a total of 27 times. Except for military -related activities, other activities were in turn. They attended the ceremony five times, four group photos, three visits, two political conferences, participated in the academiciansonce.

So far this year, Kim Jong -un appeared 29 times.Kim Jong -un has publicly made 77 times last year, of which seven involved in military activities.This year's military -related activities have increased significantly.

Experts speculate that the reason why Kim Jong -un showed a big show is to divert people's poor attention to the economy.