Song Qingying, Journalist Journalist

Recently, professors of Stanford University in the United States claimed that aliens existed on the earth, and many people may have seen it, and their remarks have caused heated discussions.Another former American intelligence official revealed a more amazing inside story: the United States discovered the "non -human" manufacturing technology when investigating the crashed unknown flight, and has used the "alien" technology for military reserve competitions.According to the Daily Mail reported on June 5, former intelligence official David Charles Gruch recently reported to the US Congress and the Intelligence Supervisor, saying that the US government tried to hide investigations of unknown flight objects.

David Charles Gruch (pictureSource: Daily Mail)

Gruch said that as unknown flights crashed on the earth, the United States has a large number of unknown airmark parts and equipment from "non -human origin".

"There are some 'non -human technology vehicles' in the United States, if you are willing, call it a" aerospace device ". This may not be the right statement, but it is not a joke. Non -human alien vehicles have landed or crashed on the earth on the earth.. "Gruch said.

Gruch claims that the United States and other countries are engaged in tight -secret operations to try to "reverse engineering" on unknown fragments (that is, reverse analysis and research on a target productProcess, organizational structure, functional characteristics, and technical specifications are designed to produce new weapons to make similar but incomplete functions) to create new weapons.

It is reported that Gruch, 36, has served in Afghanistan and worked for the State Geographical Space Intelligence Agency and the National Investigation Office.From 2019 to 2021, Gruch worked in a special work group in an unknown air phenomenon.

According to Gruch, the United States conducted this unique secret operation "dates back to the beginning of the 20th century."Gruch even said that the United States has used "alien technology" in the military reserve competition over the past 80 years.

Gruch also claims that the US government has tried to hide these discoveries over the years, but the "retrieval and complex historical plan" of "alien materials" should not continue to become a secret.He also appealed to the Ministry of Defense and claimed that he was rejected by the decision of the report.

Colonel Karl Nel, the US retired Army, confirmed Gruch's statement. He said: "Gruch's assertion on ground military reserve competitions focusing on unknown technology in the past 80 years is fundamentally correctSome of them are unknown technology is non -human intelligence. "

On May 31st, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) held an expert meeting on the expert group around the UFO for the first time.The person in charge of the Pentagon acknowledged at the meeting that unknown metal spheres were found around the world.

The Director of the Office of the Five -Corporal Architecture and the physicist Sean Kircak Patrick said that the Pentagon is working closely with NASA. These scientists have been allowed to engage in secret work to help military investigators identify mysterious aircraft or events.

In May of this year, Professor Gary Noland of Stanford University said at the "Pentagon, Alien Intelligence and Unknown Flying Blood" meeting that aliens 100%have come to the earth and are still on the earth. Aliens may mayIt is "a high -level intelligent form with a certain intermediary."Nolan also claims that experts are "reverse engineering" on crashed unknown flights.

(Source: Polar News)