AssistantSecretary of State Kangda said Washington is "very hard" to properly control the relations between the United States and China.

Reuters reported that Kangda was asked by reporters in Beijing on Tuesday (June 6) in Beijing The current situation of bilateral relations of the United States and China said:" We work very hard and hope to deal with the relationship between our two countries as much as possible. "

According to a statement issued by the State CouncilUS -China officials held frank and effective discussions on Monday (June 5) in Beijing.The two sides agreed to continue to communicate.

American reporters asked President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping's possibility of talks at the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC).

When the reporter asked the Secretary of State Brosky whether to visit China in the near future, officials of the State Council said that there is no announcement at present. Brosy was originally scheduled to visit Beijing in February./A>.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Tuesday on the WeChat public account of its "broad Pacific" WeChat public account. The consensus obtained by the two parties on the Bali Island meeting of the two countries promoted improvement of Sino -US relations and properly controlled differences in the Bali Island., A frank, constructive, and effective communication.

Before Kangda arrived in Beijing, the U.S. Navy pointed out that a Chinese warship Cross the "Inlerable Method" crossing the U.S. Bell Cloud Destroyer .The White House said on Monday that the dangerous contact of the US -China military recently in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea reflects the increasing hostile behavior of the Chinese military.Essence

The Asia -Pacific Economic and Commerce Summit is scheduled to be held in San Francisco, California, USA.