Vice Chairman of the Russian National Security Conference and former President Medvedev said that Britain is "Moscow's Eternal Enemy", and British officials who assist Ukraine War can be regarded as legal military goals.

British Telecom reported on Tuesday (May 30) reported that British Foreign Minister Cleverly said in Estonia that Ukraine "has the right" to project force from its borderAbility.

Medvedev sent a tweet on Wednesday (31st) in response to Cleverly's above, saying that Britain was Russia's "eternal enemy" and pointed out that "stupid British officials" should remember that "acceptance is generally accepted in general acceptanceRegulating the framework of modern warfare ... Their country can also be characterized as a state of war. "

Medvedev emphasized in the tweet: "Britain, as an ally in Ukraine, provides military assistance in the form of equipment and experts in Ukraine.Any public official in the UK (whether it is a military personnel or a cultural personnel, as long as the war is promoted) can be regarded as legal military goals. "