Western intelligence agencies and Microsoft companies say that a state-funded

Reuters reported that Microsoft said in a report on Wednesday (May 24) that these spy activities are also aimed at the US island Territory Guam, where there is a strategic US military base, and added that "reduces this kind ofAttack is challenging. "

Although China and the United States often monitor each other, analysts say that this is the largest One of the Internet Spy activities .

It is unclear how many organizations are affected, but the National Security Agency (NSA) said it is cooperating with partners including Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Britain, as well as the FBI to determine the loopholes.Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand said they may also be the goal of hackers.

Analysts of Microsoft said that they have "moderate confidence" for the evaluation of the hacker group named "Volt Typhoon". This group is developing in the future crisis.The ability of key communication infrastructure.Holtquist, the head of the threat analysis of Google Mandiant Intelligence, said that Chinese activities are unique and worrying, because analysts have not enough understanding of this group's ability.

U.S. President Biden said earlier that he was willing to use force to to defend Taiwan .Safety analysts predict that if mainland China invades Taiwan, Chinese hackers may take US military networks and other key infrastructure as the goal.

Microsoft said that this Chinese hacker organization has been active since 2021, and for multiple industries, including communication, manufacturing, public utilities, transportation, construction, maritime, government, information technology and education.