The Governor of Florida, the Governor of Florida, announced that he will seek 2024 Nomination, which means he will decide with the former ally Trump.

Reuters reported that Ron Desantis received audio interview announced the news in a video.He said in the video: "We need the courage and the power of winning. I am Ron De Santis, and I am running for the president to lead our great United States to come back."

The interview after Musk was officially launched by the De Santis campaign.However, this highly anticipated audio interview earlier technical problems, and the audience could not hear the sound.

The 44-year-old De Santis's popularity across the country has continued to increase and is expected to obtain deep financial resources. He immediately became Trump The biggest competitor nominated for the Republican Party.However, polls show that Trump leads Desanis with an advantage of more than 2 to 1, and the latter has always been considered a rising star of the Republican Party, which is the foresteps of the new generation of leaders in the party.Trump, which was announced in November, was also a leading position in key voting state organization campaign activities in advance.

Supporters and donors will pay close attention to whether Desambis will challenge Trump.Trump has been attacking Desanis, but he did not get any reactions, which made some allies in De Santis feel frustrated, and they hoped that De Santis could make a stronger response.

Musk, who has 140 million Twitter fans, said earlier that he attended the audio event did not mean that he recognized De Santis, but hoped to make it more like a "Town Square".