Following the Russian Wagner Mercenary Sunday (May 20), Announced "complete occupation"After the Bachurut, Wudongzhong Town , Russian President Putin then publicly congratulated the "victory" of the Russian army.

Comprehensive US media reports, the Tas Society quoted the Kremlin's statement that President Putin congratulated the Russian forces to seize Bachmut in the evening of Saturday, saying that he would provide rewards for outstanding Russian troops.

The statement said: "Putin congratulated the Wagner Commando and all the soldiers of the Russian armed forces who provided them with the necessary support and wing -sideline cover, and congratulated them to complete the action of liberating 'Artyomovsk'."

The founder of the Russian mercenary mercenaries, Porigjin, held the Russian flag and announced that Russia had captured the news of Bachomut.(Agence France -Presse)

Russia calls Bachmut as the name of the Soviet era "Altoohvsk".

Kiev denied the saying that the leader of the Wagner's mercenaries, the leader of the Wagner's mercenaries, completely captured Bachomut.

Ukrainian military spokesman Serhiy Cherevatyi responded: "This is not true, our troops are fighting in Bachimut."

It is reported that regardless of whether the Ukrainian army has left Bachmut, the Ukraine has been slowly withdrawn to the city and evacuated into the edge buildings west of the city.On the other hand, the Ukrainian army also recaptured a large loss in northern and southern Bachs.