It is reported that the Indo -Pacific trade negotiations led by the United States are close to reaching a supply chain coordination agreement and may be announced as early as next week.

Inspectors told Bloomberg that the negotiating representatives would announce an agreement at the Indo -Pacific Ministerial Conference held at Detroit, USA on May 27th (Saturday).

The negotiations involving 14 countries are concentrated on the establishment of an early warning system, allowing countries to issue early warnings when they see the risk of supply chain interruption to avoid the repetition of global supply interruptions during the crown disease epidemic.

Because the consultation is carried out in a closed door, the person familiar with the matter is not known.


Supply Chain is one of the four "pillars" in the "Indo -Pacific Economic Framework" (IPEF) that countries began to discuss last year, and the other three pillars are clean economy, fair economy and trade.

The U.S. Department of Commerce did not immediately respond to the request for the news of the news, and the US Trade Representative Office refused to respond.

In May last year, US President Biden launched the Indo -Pacific Economic Framework Plan during his visit to Asia, which aims to strengthen the trade relations of the United States in the Indo -Pacific region to contribute to China's increasing economic influence in Indo -Pacific.

The countries joined by the United States include Australia, Brunei, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

membersThe total economic volume of the country accounts for 40%of the world economy.