(Hiroshima Electric) The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit held in Hiroshima, Japan will be focused on ChinaEconomic security and other aspects of threats , however, the chairman of the European Council Michelle pointed out that cooperation with China to maintain "stability and constructive" is in line with the interests of the European Union.

Michelle Friday (May 19) shows at a briefing at Hiroshima that the EU hopes to reduce Excessive dependence on China and seek diversification to solve unfair practices.

He said: "A relationship with China to maintain stability and constructive constructive is in line with our common interests. Given that China's role and economic scale in the international community, it has special responsibilities in the world and must abide by international rules."

He also urged China to use its influence on Russia.Essence

G7 Summit was unveiled on Hiroshima on Friday.A U.S. official revealed that the participating leaders are expected to issue a statement that includes "parts specifically targeted at China" and lists China's economic coercion and other behaviors.

China's economic influence is increasing, and G7 leaders are paying attention to how to alert the world's second largest economy possibly pose a global supply chain and economic security, while not willing to alienate this powerful and important trading partner.