(Hiroshima Comprehensive) Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) leaders pointed out after discussing the reduction of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima, Japan, China quickly expands Nuclear Martial Arts The library is concerned about global and regional stability.

According to the Stockholm Institute of International Peace (SIPRI), China currently has 350 nuclear warheads, which is better than > The number of Russia is much smaller, but the US Department of Defense predicted in November last year that the number of nuclear warheads in China may reach 1,500 in 2035, that is, China will accelerate the expansion of nuclear arsenal in the next 10 years.

The G7 leader at the Summit at the Hiroshima issued a statement on Friday (May 19) that China accelerated the expansion of the nuclear arsenal when China lacks transparency and meaningful dialogue, becoming a great attention of global and regional stability.

Last month, the Foreign Minister of the G7 countries also warned China ’s nuclear capacity expansion, calling on Beijing to discuss with Washington with Washington, and demanded that China improves transparency.

G7 leaders have also criticized Russia to publish "irresponsible ", which means that Russia intends to be inBloss deployed nuclear weapons "dangerous and unacceptable."They condemned nuclear diffusion and warned North Korea not to take "provocative operations" and called on Iran to "stop nuclear upgrade".

G7 is committed to achieving a nuclear -free world but no specific commitment

This is the first time that the G7 summit will be issued a statement on the issue .They reiterated that they would be committed to achieving a nuclear -free world, but did not make any specific commitments.In the G7 countries, the United States, Britain, and France have nuclear weapons, while the remaining countries are sheltered by the US "nuclear umbrella".

For the above statement of the G7 head, the "International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), the" International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons ", in Geneva, Switzerland.The relevant plans also "did not reflect the urgency now."

ican is an alliance consisting of about 100 non -governmental organizations around the world.Carry out negotiations and destroy the global nuclear weapons.