Indian Prime Minister Modi said that since New Delhi has deteriorated with Beijing in 2020, the peaceful border peace has been essential to maintain a normal relationship between the two countries; this is a rare stance on the issue of the Sino -Indian border issue.

Reuters reported that Modi attended Qi Kingdom Group (G7) Summit said: "India is fully prepared and is committed to protecting their sovereignty and dignity." It means that the relationship between the two countries must be based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.

"The peace and tranquility of the border area are essential to normal bilateral relations between India and China."

After the blood conflict broke out in a controversial Himalayan border in 2020, the relationship between the two countries was affected by border friction.

There are 14 neighboring countries on the land border between 20,000 kilometers long in China, of which 12 neighbor countries have defined the border with them, leaving only the border dispute with India.In the Himalayan region between China and India, there is a actual control line (LAC) of about 3,500 kilometers long, and there has been controversy since 1950.