(Washington Composite Electric) U.S. President Biden and the Speaker of the House of Representatives McCarthy stated that the confidence reached an agreement on the dispute between the upper limit of debt.Some analysts pointed out that the debt default crisis has not been resolved so far, and Washington is difficult to persuade allies. The United States is still a reliable partner and can compete with China in the Pacific Ocean.

On Thursday (May 18), Biden, who arrived in Japan to participate in the Seventh Kingdoms Group (G7) summit, was going to show China and Russia to pro -American democratic countries united.However, the US debt limit dispute has not been solved for a long time, and countries have been worried that the global economic disaster will occur. The harvest of the Bayeng's trip to the G7 summit may be greatly reduced.

Before he spoke at the White House, he tried his best to stabilize the market confidence when he spoke at the White House. He said on whether the debt dispute was beneficial to China: We will reach an agreement on the budget, and the United States will not breach contract on debt issues.

However, Lipuski from the Atlantic Council of the US Think Tank said: When internal functional disorders, it is very difficult to go to the G7 summit for Russia and the unified position of China.

Lipuski, who once worked in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the US State Department, pointed out that leaders of various countries are worried that if the United States cannot handle it well, their country's economy will face risks.

Biden cancels the visits to Australia and Pakistan

Biden agreed with Congress leader on Tuesday to conduct a new round of assistant negotiations.He announced that the cancellation of the trip to Australia and Papua New Guinea, and returned to Washington to continue negotiations early next week.Quad, which was originally scheduled to be held in Sydney on the 24th, was canceled.Australian Prime Minister Albanis announced that the leaders of the four countries will be changed to meet outside the G7 summit.

Regarding the shortening of the itinerary, US National Security Consultant Sha Liewen said that Biden held another summit with the Pacific Island leader this year.Biden was canceled to Papua New Guinea for the domestic debt limit crisis. Analysts believed that this would crack down on the reputation of the United States in the Pacific region.

Regarding whether Biden's cancellation of access will bring advantages to Beijing, Salvin said that although the Pacific island country was disappointed, they also knew that the contact between Biden's individual and the Pacific Island country was much more than any previous president.The United States has observed that the demand for the United States for the Pacific island country has continued to increase.He revealed that Biden will convene the leader of the Pacific Island country this year to hold a summit. This is the second time within 12 months, and the last time was at the end of September last year.

Fergenbom of the US think metropolitania International Peace Foundation wrote on Twitter: When you are busy sinking your boat, it is difficult to compete with Chinese competition RSquo; hellip; hellip; you wantWhat will other countries in the world think of us?

A European diplomat said Washington's operational failure now seems to be the norm.In the crisis of government suspension over the past 10 years, the problem of debt limit has repeatedly the focus of disputes.

Germany Treasury Secretary Lindner said to the US Broadcasting Corporation Business Channel (CNBC) last week: In this case, I hope that everyone can maturely respond to avoid further risks of global economic development.