(Hiroshima Comprehensive) Seven Kingdoms (G7) The summit summit was held on Friday (May 19) in Hiroshima, Japan. The two uninvited countries, China and Russia, will be the "protagonist" of the summit. Analysts pointed out that China and Russia are the biggest shadow of this summit.

Reuters reports that the goal of G7 is to unite to respond to challenges from Beijing and Moscow, but before that, they need to resolve the differences in dealing with China -Russia issues.

A number of G7 officials revealed that the differences between G7 countries on China issues are obvious. While warning that China may threaten the global supply chain and economic security, it is reluctant to alienate China, a powerful and important trading partner country.

Seven countries in the United States, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Canada, and Italy are economically closely connected to China.China is both the world's second largest economy and an important manufacturing base and market in the world. Economic influence is increasingly significant.

Tokyo's professor of the Institute of National Policy, Tokyo, said that how G7 responding to "big country competition" in the future is an important issue for the summit."They must solve economic security and how to protect sensitive technology, and these are part of the competition between the United States and Russia, the United States and China."

French President Macron visited Beijing last month and called on the European Union to reduce dependence on the United States. Western countries' differences in the issue of China have become the focus of attention from the international community.A senior US official revealed recently that the summit will show that the G7 will uniformly respond to China, but also acknowledge that this is the "more complicated issue" of the summit.

It is known that the joint statement of the G7 leaders after the meeting will be "part of it is for China", and it will be mentioned that G7 deeply pays attention to China's economic stress on other countries.

An official of the French Presidential Palace said: "I call this summit a G7 geopolitical summit, which will respond to a large -scale security crisis, that is, Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Moreover, because Sino -US tensions are inTo exacerbate, we also need to list the rules of the game to maintain each other's international cooperation capabilities. "

All parties are now paying close attention to how the G7 summit will depict China.Bloomberg analyzed that although the United States lobbying other countries is tougher than China, European countries are more inclined to adopt a gentle approach.For example, the United States has been lobbying other G7 countries to review investment from China in sensitive areas such as artificial intelligence. The United Kingdom and the United States have also followed. However, Germany is cautious about this and Japan has reserved.

Sunak: Consider strengthening the control of China

British Prime Minister Sonak said in an interview with Bloomberg on Wednesday (17th) that he is considering strengthening export control to China and limiting investment in British companies in China;"Very consistent".Sunak will host the G7's economic security conference at the Hiroshima Summit. Sunak said that implementing export control in China is definitely a problem that G7 will talk about this time.

In addition, officials who are familiar with the meeting revealed that the G7 leaders plan to strengthen sanctions against Russia will specifically target Russia's energy and exports.They said that the new measures will take the evasion of sanctions involving third countries, seek to combat Russia's future energy production, and curb trade activities that support the Russian military.These are to block the "loopholes" to prevent Russia from getting funds to support the war against Ukraine.

G7 invites leaders in other countries such as India and Vietnam to attend as observer.According to analysis, it can be seen that the G7 is seeking the relationship between developing countries that closer to the "Global South" in order to compete in China.