(Washington Composite Electric) The Ministry of Justice of the United States announced five criminal cases, accusing six people from China, Russia, Greece and other countries suspected of stealing high -end technology from the US military and business sector to benefit hostile regimes such as China, Russia and Iran.

Olson, Director of the National Security Department of the US Department of Justice on Tuesday (May 16), said: We are determined to do our best to prevent these advanced (technology) tools from falling into the hands of hostile countries.

This is the first time since the United States established the Disruptive Technology Strike Force in February this year, it has announced the criminal complaint to the outside world.

Among the six people involved, two Chinese citizens who had fled back to the country had not been arrested.One of the former engineer Wang Weibao (35 years old) was suspected of stealing autonomous systems such as self -driving cars (AS) to one Chinese enterprise in 2017, and the other person for Qiao Xiangjiang (39) was suspected of providing Iran for the production of intercontinental continentalIsoStative Graphite of the ballistic missile warhead.Another 64 -year -old Chinese resident of California, Li Liming, was arrested earlier this month for allegedly stealing commercial secrets for Chinese enterprises.

The remaining two cases involved high -end technology for the Russian military and intelligence departments. They were a Greek who smuggled nuclear military experiments from Russia, and two Russians who used the American private aircraft parts.(Human name transliteration)