The three members of the US President Biden appeared in Congress. They warned that reducing the budget will weaken the US's ability to compete with China in military, diplomacy, and economy.

Reuters reported that US Secretary of State Brillin, Minister of Defense Austin and Minister of Commerce Raymond Doro attended the Senate Hearings on Tuesday (May 16) to compete in the United States and China with U.S. U.S. Raise debt limit negotiations highlight the concentration of the United States and focus on the competition with this Asian superpower in China.Essence

The Senate Delivery Committee held a hearing on the budget request of Biden on the same day and the US -China relations. Brosken, Austin, and Raymond were testified at the hearing.The US Cabinet Minister rarely testifies at the public hearing, but Democrats and Republicans have always rushed to show that they believe that the Chinese government is the biggest challenge facing Washington.

The President of the Senate Delivery Committee Merry, Mori, spoke at the hearing, refuted the Republican Party's proposal to increase non -military expenditure as a proposal to increase debt limit.

She said: "Everyone should pay attention to whether China has not argued there in order to repay debts or break down her economy. China has not argued whether to invest in the future, should they reduce and restrict the promotion of competitiveness to promote competitiveness.Investment. "

Last year, U.S. Parliament passed a wide range of extensive support with the support of cross-party factions.The chip and the Science Act authorized the government to allocate hundreds of billions of dollars to increase the advantages of the United States in semiconductor and other technical fields.

U.S. legislators are now considering how to prevent mainland China from launching attacks in Taiwan, improving the relationship with third countries to curb China's influence, tighten the regulations to prevent US capital from flowing to Chinese companies, and restrict US technology flow to China.

Raymond mostly emphasized at the hearing: "Competition with China ... need to make full use of our economic, diplomatic and military means."

U.S. President Biden and Republican leaders are increasing the debt limit of US $ 31.4 trillion (approximately S $ 4.2 trillion) to avoid difficult negotiations in the United States' catastrophic debt defaults.

After the Congress of Bidden and the House of Representatives McCarthy held a meeting again on Tuesday, both parties have confidence in reaching an agreement to increase the upper limit of the US debt.Visit itinerary.