(Washington Composite Electric) US senior officials on Monday (May 15) revealed that the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms (G7) will show unity when attending the Summit in Hiroshima, Japan this week.Methods deal with China, but they also agree that the relationship between countries should manage their own relationship with Beijing.

The senior official who requested anonymous said that the US President Biden attended the summit in Japan this time, which will show that Washington can support Ukraine while maintaining unprecedented contact levels with the Indo -Pacific region.

Hiroshima Summit will be held for three days since Friday. After Bayeng, he will shortly stay in Papua New Guinea, and then go to Australia to attend the "Quad of Sifang Safety Dialogue" (QUAD) held on the 24th.

When asked if the G7 leader can show unity when dealing with China.Officials responded: "What you can expect is that the G7 leader will show that we are united and support a common way based on common values. At the same time, each G7 member state will manage the relationship between ourselves and China, but we are all inKeep our relationship in principle consistent. "

After the French President Macron visited China last month, there were differences in how to deal with China.Macron called on the EU to reduce its dependence on the United States and reminded the EU not to be involved in the Taiwan Strait crisis because of the US -China confrontation.

Officials: All countries agree to guarantee technical security

As for the restrictions on China semiconductor exports that the parties are concerned about, whether the G7 will reach an agreement on the restriction of export semiconductor technology to China, and whether the countries have consensus on this issue.Guarantee technical safety.

Officials said: "I don't want to speculate what kind of agreement will be reached, but I think those countries in the field of semiconductors have a very wide and significant consensus."

US Ambassador to Japan: G7 will fight for economic coercion with specific actions

U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Emmanuel, posted on Twitter that the G7 is studying specific cooperation methods to fight against China's economic coercion.Take specific actions.

Emmanuel's tweet said: "It is not only about remarks and communiqués about economic coercion, but also looking forward to action. Members of G7 are developing tools to prevent and defense China's economic intimidation and revenge."

The Japanese media reported on Tuesday that the Hiroshima Summit will publish a document in addition to the joint communiqué, and also publishes a document for economic coercion, indicating that the G7 will support those countries that have been coerced by Chinese economy.

Financial Times analyzes that as the East, Japan hopes to see a powerful G7 statement to face China's challenges with a common position.

The report quoted Solis, a Japanese expert in Washington Think Tank Brukins, said: "When the Ukrainian crisis broke out, G7 came out to speak ... But after Macron's comment, the Indo -Pacific region also faced its own challenges.Tokyo now hopes to see a strong statement, that is, a democratic country maintains a consistent position when facing China's challenges. "

China's economic influence is increasing, and Beijing has been accused of using trade policies to deal with foreign countries with diplomatic disputes in Australia, Japan and South Korea.However, in order to take a stronger position in China, the United States, Europe, and Japan still have some scruples, because their supply chain is still closely linked to China, the world's second largest economy. Taking the G7 countries as an example, they are in key areas. They in key areas.It has different degrees of dependence on Chinese products.