(Washington Composite Electric) Public nuclear weapons data on Monday (May 15) in the United States and requires Russia to disclose relevant data.

Russia announced in February that it has suspended the performance of the New Start (New Start).The United States immediately announced that it would stop the data of nuclear weapons with Russia; therefore, the public data from the United States on Monday was a big change in policy.

The State Department of the United States issued a statement saying: "The United States still believes that it is very important for reducing misunderstanding, misjudgment and high -cost arms race., Restore all measures that can be thoroughly reduced in strategic weapon treaties and treaties that can stable and transparency and verification in the treaty. "

As of March 1st, there are 1419 nuclear warheads in the United States

The U.S. State Department said that the United States voluntarily disclosed these data.As of March 1, the United States had 1419 deployed nuclear warheads.This is less than 1515 in March last year, and is lower than the 1550 upper limit set by the Treaty signed by the United States and Russia in 2010.Russia called 1474 nuclear warheads last year.

The US nuclear warhead is equipped with 662 intercontinental ballistic missiles and other deployed launch systems.This data is less than 686 a year ago, and it is also lower than the 700 upper limit set by the US -Russian treaty; the Russian data a year ago was 526.

The inventory of the total number of launching systems in the United States, including unparalleled systems.This number is the same as last year, and it is also the upper limit of the treaty that allows the United States and Russia.

The new cutting strategic weapon treaty is the product of the Cold War and the last weapon control treaty between the United States and Russia.

This treaty was signed by former US President Barack Obama and former Russian President Medvedev's relations in the United States and Russia. It hopes to achieve the dual goal of restricting nuclear weapons and increasing transparency at the same time.

In February last year, after Russia invaded Ukraine, relations with Western countries fell into a trough.Russian President Putin announced in a speech on the first anniversary of the Russian and Ukraine war that Russia would suspend the performance of new strategic weapons treaties, but he did not say that he would withdraw from the treaty at the time.

Former US President Trump had previously did not intend to extend the treaty after the expiration of the new strategic weapon treaty expired. He believed that the treaty was unfair and did not require China to limit the number of nuclear weapons.The number of nuclear weapons in China is much less than Russia and the United States, but it is expected to increase rapidly.

After the US President Biden took office in 2021, he immediately extended the forthcoming treaty for five years.